Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Been a long time....

Y'know it's been a while since you've blogged when you forget your username and password! LOL

Well, we are down to 2 weeks until we move, and I find myself morphing into Uber-Bitch again. *sigh* I just feel very overwhelmed by all the stuff left to do.
I am up to box #85 already and had to replace my Sharpies for writing on the boxes as I've already killed 6. (Hee, hee...oops....) But tomorrow is the first day of school for my 2 oldest children, and I have a feeling that I may drop them off at school, and may go celebrate with getting a nice coffee (or a Pumpkin Spice Latte.... mmmmm!). I've been ready to kill them!

Other than that, my mother is quickly dropping to the bottom of the Naughty list by standing me up for babysitting with no advance warning, and for getting married, and I had to hear it from my other sister. *insert frowny face here* So, she's married - good riddance to her - and she's just pissing me off at every turn. Thank the LORD that her hubby's (? How weird is that!!!) condo sold last week, and they have to be out of it by September 15th. They may never grace my new home this year! Woo, woo!!!

So, just it's been a bit of stress around here lately. I am ready. I am ready for change. I am ready for my kids to go back to school. I am ready to move. I feel like I have outgrown where I am here in BigCity Alberta. I am looking forward to discovering new stores, and new roads (which, if you knew me really well, is nothing short of a miracle!!).

I'm ready, but why does it have to be so much work????

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Pinch Me.....

I feel like I am so in La-La Land.....
So we have our new phone number, and we are slowly changing our addresses on different non-consequential things (like my Overwaitea card, and my Kraft What's Cooking! magazine), but it still doesn't seem real that we are moving. Even though the SOLD sign is up on the lawn, and the Real Property Report is done..... Doesn't seem real.
Part of me is, I think, just numb and gobsmacked by all the change that is coming up in the next 4 weeks (AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! It's 4 weeks exactly until we move!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!). And, I'm looking around my house at all the stuff that's left to pack, and I honestly don't know when to start packing it all.
Obviously, I'll start packing away the extra towels and bedsheets pretty soon. And Hubby's closet (good Lord, the man owns more clothes than I do!!!!). And my youngest's extra clothes. Then, I'm at a total loss.

I got some......................... upsetting news the other day. My mother, the 55 year old divorcee is getting remarried. "Oh, probably on Monday or Tuesday..... we're not sure yet....."
Then she had the unmitigated GALL to tell my children that they can call her new hubby "Poppa". Instantly my back went up, and in my head I was like" HELLZ, NOOOO!!!!! "
I have no problem with my children showing her hubby a simple respect, but they already have 2 grandfathers. They can call him Terry. End of discussion.
It just really bothers me that my mother is getting married. I just feel that she is making yet another bad decision by yoking herself to an unbeliever (again!). As well, I also feel like she's worn him down into marriage - like she's coercing him somehow.
But yet, she rushed to assure me that they are getting a pre-nup (which I think is silly. If he's marrying HER, he deserves all the money she's got left as Danger Pay!!!). Fortunately, they are planning on moving to Interior BC - yippee!!!!! Hopefully I can find out that distance makes the heart grow a teensy bit fonder! (Seeing as right now she is not my most fave person!!)

It'll make the Holidays so much easier not to have to deal with my mother and her erratic mood swings all the time. *Sigh.....*

Monday, 13 August 2007

Been a long time....

Wow. I didn't realize that my last post was July 26th..... Ooops!

We have had an absolute WHIRLWIND of activity in the weeks since I last wrote. We....
-went on vacation (had a pretty good time, too)
- came home to an unsold house and barking dogs
-complained to the neighbors about aforementioned dogs
-complained to the City Bylaw services about the frigging dogs
-Hubby went off on the August civic holiday and went out with his friend and I got the house ready for another showing with 4 small kids who were disobedient and a very hairy dog
-we sold the house!!!! Yes!!!
-c/s'ed another home in Smalltown Alberta where we wanted to move to
-had house inspections
-visited my IL's in central Alberta
-looked at buying a new washer/dryer set for the new house in Smalltown Alberta
-brought up the microwave! Woot woot for popcorn again!!!

Needless to say, it's been completely CRAZY the last few weeks.
Hubby and I have been alright - we've had a few miscommunication glitches, but we managed to work them out.
One thing that I was really surprised at was how completely overwhelmed I felt while we were on vacation. I think it was because we really didn't ANY chance to be chillin' or even alone time.
I know on our first night back at home, I dashed out the door to Wal-Mart just to be alone for an hour or so. (I ended up buying new jammies, so it's all good)
Even now, a week plus later after getting home, I find that I am needing my space. I am needing "Me Time" again pretty desperately.
I feel bad, but I am more than happy to have my alone time while Hubby is out with friends, so we are working it out.

However, we still have loads of work left to be done in order to move to Smalltown, Alberta. I still have to pack up the house and get it all ready to move. (I don't mind the packing, but just the sheer logistics! Oy vey!)
We still have to call the new school, utilities, the phone company (good thing we have friends there! LOL), get our mail done.... (Oh crap - that's what I have to do...)

Off to go get stuff done.....