Sunday, 30 March 2008

Happy Sunday!

So, here I sit, at my faithful PC... contemplating my blog post for the day.

Sorry if it seems a bit disjointed.... I was out late last night with a bunch of girlfriends and I'm still a wee bit groggy. *grin*

Well, it snowed this morning. A good 2 inches worth of it, actually. Apparently God didn't get the memo I sent Him about wanting Spring. Good think I bought the kids some rubber boots! It looks like we might need them!
Although, I must admit - having the snow does help with the dryness level around here. We had another grass fire on Crocus Hill, a big ole fire in Springbank (caused by some freaking dumb redneck trying to kill gophers with a propane flame- thrower - I couldn't make that up if I tried!) and all of the region has a fire ban imposed on us. So some moisture is very welcome.... I just wished it was in the form of rain!

My feet REALLY hurt as of late. I've been hobbling all about, trying to not hurt myself by just walking. I think the time has come to face the music, and just go to the bloody podiatrist already. I may just need some orthotics (how uncool is that!!!), or I may need surgery. I have hammer toes, a tailor's bunion and some bone spurs from where I fractured a bone in my foot when I was a teen and I *tried* to dance. (I'm not very coordinated) Who knew that having toes that curled sideways was a bad thing??? To me - I was born with them, and my dad's whole side has those toes that curl under. True, it makes the polish rub off faster off those toes, but I actually thought they were cute. *shrug*
Well, being in constant pain from your feet is not so cute. It seems like ever since I hit my late 20's, my body's gone to hell in a handbasket. I've gotten white hairs on my head, foot pain, rosacea, my eyes have gotten worse and I just feel so gosh darned OLD. *sigh*
It's even gotten to the point where "wide width" is even too snug on my feet. Hello Birkenstocks. Good bye cute shoes.
Ooooh, I am having a pity party today, aren't I? Sorry, I don't mean to. Honestly. I don't.

Other than that, we've kind of had a bizarre week.... My hubby has had the tummy flu, and now I think I have it. It looks like herbal tea and dry toast for me!! (Yumm!)

The kids go back to school on Monday - hallelujah. I"m so proud of me for making it the whole week without losing it on my kids. It's so odd to think that at one time, I had 4 kids at home everyday, and that was my "normal". Sending my older kids to school and having them gone for 7 hours a day has spoiled me. Hopefully, we'll survive Summer Vacation. (Watch, by the end of the summer, I'll cry having to be without them! Again!!! LOL)

That's about it. We have church tonight, and I just got a Last Minute Phone Call of desperation - "We're having a finger food night.... Can you bring something??" I agreed this time. I won't next time. It isn't MY JOB or my responsibility to cover someone's ass from their lack of preparation.
Besides, my 4 kids eating at church always ends up with it being a gong show. No one wants to eat - not when all their friends are there!
So I'll feed the kids (and myself) before we go. Like always. *sigh* I just hate how it's always SOMETHING last minute!

Well have a great day!

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

I committed a sin today......

Okay girls...... Y'all are going to SO know what this is like.

So, my hair's been really knotty lately. I don't get split ends - I get knots that tell me when it's time for a trim. I'm used to it, it's what I know, so I'm cool with it. So I realize - I need a haircut.
Maybe it's the Scot in me, maybe I'm just too cheap, but suddenly I remembered a COUPON for a brand new salon! (Oooh - break out the jazz hands! 30% off!!!)
So I call, and nervously demand - nay- ask if there is somebody there at the salon who is good at cutting naturally curly hair. I am assured there is, and am told that "cuts her friends' hair, and she has naturally curly hair", so I book an appointment, blissfully hoping for the best.

Why oh WHY is life so cruel?????
I came away with my hair shorter than it's been in 5 years (when I asked for a bob (still don't get how THAT happened!)), and I had tears in my eyes as I was driving home.
I know that I only have myself to blame for this hideous haircut. I should have had patience and just called my regular magician (aka beautician), but I didn't want to wait.

Isn't that similar how we are in our walks with God? We are longing for the end result, but sometimes take (what we mistakenly perceive) as a "shortcut" (pun not really intended, but I'll go with it even though it makes me want to cry again), and we end up bawling our faces off to the Lord, begging for Him to return our "crown of beauty" as we fall into His arms, awaiting His work on us.

5 Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel.
Your hair is like royal tapestry;
the king is held captive by its tresses.

6 How beautiful you are and how pleasing,
O love, with your delights!

Song of Songs 7:5 & 6

Lord, teach me to wait upon You alone..... Fix my eyes on the genuine-ness of Your plan for me, and my life. Help me not to be swayed by flashy things that have no substance at the core.... Comfort me, Lord! Whisper your assurances to my heart! And please - help my hair to grow quickly! *sniff!*


Saturday, 1 March 2008

Happy Spring!

Yes. I know I'm being optimistic, but I am heartily ready for warmer weather. Oh yes, indeedy. I am tired of bundling my 4 kids into parkas, snow boots, mittens, hats and scarves everytime we leave the house. I am tired of my dog sitting on the deck, shivering to be let back in.
I long for the days of sunshine again. Of warm weather. Of walking in sandals. Of not having to wear a coat!!! Of having sunlight at dinner time!

Last summer was like a Lost Summer for me.... I normally have Lost Summers when I have a newborn babe, but last summer was a Lost Summer because we were getting ready to move and we put our house up for sale. (Wow! Was that ever a lot of work!) From March onwards, I was packing boxes at least 3x a week, I was sorting thru lots of stuff and getting rid of the stuff I didn't want.
It intensified around the end of June - we had the painters in to redo the old house, and then in July we had the floors redone on the main floor and up the staircase. I pulled up most of the carpet (Hubby and his friend did the big pieces in the front room and in the living room) on the staircase. If I knew how to post photos, I would. I have a VERY IMPRESSIVE collection of befores and afters.
(Oh, loooook. I can share my Facebook with y'all!)

Looking back - I am amazed at what we managed to pull off. Wow.

But I am determined that this summer will not be a Lost Summer. I vow to be outside as much as I can, and to explore my new neighborhood as best as I can. (hopefully, I won't get lost so much....)

What are you planning for this summer? What are you looking forward to the most? Barbequeing? Sitting around the fire at night? Listening to the wind in the trees? The gorgeous sunsets that look like they are made of cotton candy? The birds? The rains? The sound of kids jumping in the sprinkler?

Talk back to me, dear reader. Tell me what you are looking forward to......

I am anticipating spring. I hope you are too.