Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Happy Hump Day....

I told you all about how I get to go see a hand surgeon, right?
Did I tell you that I'm also KILLER nervous about it?? Part of me thinks that this surgeon is going to be a jerk, and say that it's all in my head (like that other doc did). Part of me thinks that they'll just open me up and fix it there and then.

Yep. Pretty nervous.

I honestly just want to be able to bend it again. I'm so tired of jamming my finger (it's gotten so painful that I'm swearing while crying. And I don't want Liam to learn MORE bad words from me!). And, I never thought I would EVER say this, but I'm missing the wrinkle that used to be where my joint is. (It's disappeared from lack of bending)

Well, off to go do more laundry.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

What's The Hullabaloo About?

I realize that I am not the "hippest cat" on the planet. I totally get it. A 31 year old woman with 4 kids living in a small town is rarely a hipster, or "ahead" of the times (especially technologically!), but really.......

What's the big idea about things like Twitter and Facebook??? I've heard that Twitter is, simply put, the BOMB (in a good way, I"ve been assured). Why are we, as a society, so drawn to social networking sites like that?
Is it because, we as humans, are intrinsically CURIOUS about each other?
Is it because we are essentially longing for a place to belong, even if it's just a website?

Is it because we long for a community in the day and age where we (mostly) don't even know our neighbors names? (For the record - I do know my neighbors. On the one side. *embarrassed grin* The other side - I know their cat's name is Scotty, and I know they have 4 kids that are grown, and I know they are French Canadians.... Not too sure on their names though.)

Now, I'm not saying that these sites are "evil" or "wrong" or anything....
I'm just merely asking.
I quite like the graphics on Twitter.... I like the look of it a lot better than Facebook.
(And is Facebook going the way that MySpace went?)

So yeah. I"m on Twitter. I'm on FaceBook. I know how to use FaceBook... still figuring out Twitter. (And still needing to find friends on Twitter. Haven't figured out that yet.)

Oh, and happy Sunday. So far it's been a "meh" day..... Hubby is working again... 7th day straight.
Let's just say that I've been praying. Hard.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

What Happens When You See Your Family Doctor...


Remember my lovely experiment with testing out the sharpness of my new Lagostina butter knives back in July???

Well, I FINALLY got in to see my family doctor last night.
I had forgotten how much I like her. She's a great doc - fantastic bedside manner, competent, professional and oh-so real. (You gotta love it when your doc is absent-minded enough where she HAS to wear a pen around her neck, so she doesn't lose it! LOL!) (Also, it doesn't hurt that she has a REAL body that has wibbly bits just like the rest of us! But, I digress.)
She wrote out some prescriptions that I had run out of, and then saw my note about asking her about my pinky finger. The whole story came tumbling out, and she immediately said "Oh, you SO got the tendon! I'll just..... start..... * typing furiously* referring you..... So you said it was the PIP joint, going up to the DIP joint?"
I just looked rather blankly at her, at this point.

BUT YAY!!!!!!
this morning, I got a call from her office.
She hooked me up with a Hand Surgeon......
*Valley Girl moment...*
Like.... Oh. My gawd!!! Like... HOW AWESOME!!!

So that's exciting. I call and confirm the appointment on Monday, and then it's off to the Rocky for me! (In the Casting Department.... But whatever. As long as they fix it!)
I'm still not sure what I'll do with Liam. I might ask my younger sis to keep him for me. Who knows. (Or I just may resort to taking along the Nintendo DS for him to play)
I'll make sure to take pics though... Just for you!


Friday, 12 September 2008

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Been Gone So Long....

Ooooh..... Sorry everyone for not updating this more. I just realized that I haven't been writing as much. (Mostly because I'm 90% on the Mac most of the time, as opposed to being on the PC)
And boy oh boy..... Has it ever been BUSY here as of late!!!!!!
Michael started his football in earnest.... He had 1 exhibition game at the beginning of September, and has had 2 games since. (1 at McMahon Stadium during the U of C Dinos game and 1 at the Shriners fields in NW Calgary.) School is going well for him, and he's really liking his teacher.
Bridget - is liking grade 2, and I like her teacher. Other than that, she's been getting wiggly teeth (ewwww), and lost 1 on her second day of school. (Who knew that the school office would keep things like little plastic treasure boxes to put your teeth in? Lots better than the smushed up tissue I got when I was a kid in school!)
Natalie.... *sigh* Well, my "Latalie" is in morning Kindy, and on the first day, she came home crying. (Which didn't really make ME feel good at all....) So far, we are on Day 4 of Kindy, and the crying was just on the first day. We are working on trying not to get hurt feelings when someone accuses us of things we didn't do. We are also working on using our words to communicate our feelings. And we've gone back to having a daily nap (she goes out like a light, she's so tired!).
Liam.... He's lonely. Oh so lonely for his Latalie... He likes dropping her off at school, but gets very sad on the walk home. So far we've learned about taillights, headlights, bumpers and how cars have wheels.

And, I've come to the realization that I think I'm going to have to start up my dayhome again. The extra cash would be nice, and Liam is just so lonely. So I've been really praying about it, and asking the Lord for guidance and wisdom. I don't want to advertise... I've never advertised my dayhome. It would be great if the Lord would bring me the family that I'm supposed to work with.

Other than that, it's just life as usual around here. You know.....