Sorry I've been so MIA lately.... There's been much of Life that's been happening as of late (like everyone else, I guess).
Here's a brief overview to "bring you up to speed" on what's been going down...
- the kids finished school. All went well..... M is going into grade 5, B into grade 3, N into grade 1.
- I sorta got a job.... Tee hee.... :D
I am opening up my dayhome again, and I'll have 3 part time boys (with the possibility of another on days off school). The cash will be nice.
- I was looking into the possibility of going back to school. To become a library technician (kinda like a junior librarian). Those of you who know me, know my love of anything printed on paper that is readable. Annnnnnnd, that leads me into the next item....
- I heard about an opening at my local library for a possible part-time staff member. I wouldn't need a diploma or anything yet (which means I could study and take my courses at my leisure). Which means I have to create a resume. Something I haven't done in over 11 years! Eeeps! *bites nails in anxiety!* I'll have to pursue that and see where that leads.
- We got kittens!!! (and not in the "My mother's going to have kittens!" sort of way.... actual real kittens....)

The one with the white face sitting oh-so-prettily is Bella.... Who has decided that Hubby is her person. My kitty's name is Toffee, and she's a little lighter in color, and she's decided that I am her person. *grin* It's so nice to be chosen! Which takes me to my NEXT point.....
- I was days away from a blood infection. I got a bite from our kitties mom (completely my fault - I got between her and our dog Katy, and the cat was TERRIFIED!!!), and my whole hand swelled up, and it was sooooooo sore. So, off to the Emergency Walk-In I went.
I ended up having to fill out PAPERWORK to the Public Health Officer (apparently, you have to report all animal bites... who'da thunk?). They wanted me to "narc out" the mom cat (even though it was my fault) so they could put her in isolation for 14 days and look for signs of rabies.
Now.... those of you in warmer climates may be all "Well, yeah!! Give up the cat! Absolutely!"
This is Alberta, people. We have had 1 case of human rabies in the last 30 years. And it was transmitted by a bat. Honestly. Our risk of rabies is SUPER low....
I did not narc out the cat.
The Public Health officer tried to "scare me" into doing that.
When he couldn't succeed - he basically said "Well, good luck then!".
I'm pretty confident that I'm A-okay. If I start frothing at the mouth, Hubby will take the appropriate steps. (And no.... He won't shoot me in the head like something out of "Old Yeller"!)
I ended up on the strongest antibiotics I've ever been on (and that's saying something!). My tummy is sooooooooo upset pretty much 24/7 since I've had to take 1 pill every 8 hours. Ooohhhhh.... my tummy!
- I'm so sick of yogurt. See 2nd last sentence for further clarification.
- The kittens are doing great. We brought them home last night, and they are litter trained, and on kitty kibble, and slept from 10:30 - 5 last night without crying or meowing. (they are actually scampering across my floor, chasing each other as I type) (they almost sound like mini horses.... Aaaaaah!! Bella's trying to climb up my leg!!! SHARP nails!! aaaahhhh!)
SO yeah. That's my life right now. Loads of kitty fun!
Thanks for reading!