Wow. That was actually... painful for me to remember my password in order to blog. (Wow. That sounds really brainless of me, doesn't it?)
Well. It's been ages since I last blogged. Let's see...
Since July, when I last blogged, let's list the things that have happened... Shall we? It'll be like a macabre game of "Look at all this cool stuff I didn't let you in on". :)
Okay. Focus. Since July, we have
- gotten kitties (Bella! Toffee!), they've gotten VERY hairy, and they are big girls now who barely ever fall into the toilet or walk into walls anymore.
- said kitties have gone to the vet a few times (vaccinations! Spaying! Credit card now loves me and said vet!). All is well now.
- my kids have started back at school, then had Christmas off, and are now back IN school again.
- I started up my dayhome again. What a growing experience THAT'S been! :P
- Hubby got a tattoo. It's so hot! I can't believe how teenage-girlish I feel around him now! He's a geek and a nerd - but he's a BAD boy too!!! EEeeeeee!!!!!
- I've had a ...... not-so-good experience with a bunch of women that I do a study with. Let's just say it put a sour taste in my mouth when it comes to females. :(
- I think I know what I want to do when I'm grown-up. I think that I want to work in a library. Think of it - surrounded by books, finding information, and encouraging literacy - my main loves!! So, in order to do that, I need to go back to skool. The program I'm eyeing is a 2 year diploma, and I can do the majority of it from the comfort of my own home. (yay!) So yeah. Lots of decisions I need to make in the next bit (like timing of courses, and figuring out grants/bursaries/loans and how to pay for the courses). Secretly I'd LOVE to get my Master's in Library and Information Science, but one step at a time. First a LIT diploma, then we'll look into more schooling. (Because a Master's is 6 years! And the cost! Oy vey!) But it would be awesomely cool to be the first person in my family with a Master's.
- And I've made this stupid New Year's resolution to knit my very first cardigan. I'm chickening out already. I will be knitting it FOREVER!!! Do you know how long it takes to knit something??? Like, eleventy thousand years!! (And I'm having a really hard time finding a pattern I just adore.) (And I shudder to think of how much I'm going to spend in yarn)
So that's me! That's what I've not blogged about in the last *counting silently in head* 6 months.
I'll try not to leave it so long next time!