Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Ooooohhhhhhhhh, FREAK OUT!

Well, the papers are signed. Our house is up for sale as of Thursday. Can we say, "Aaaahhh!!!!"?

I am freaking out. I totally am. God is going to have to do a massive miracle.
I've already been praying for the family that is going to buy our current house, and I think I've actually been travailing in prayer for them. Just lots of prayers, all around.
God, please help sell our house QUICKLY!!!! (Within a week is great!)

So with that all said, I've been busier than a 1 armed paper hanger in a tornado. Paint paint here, clean clean there, here a sweep, there a vac, everywhere a tidy, tidy,
Cindy had a house to sell, e-i-e-i-ooooooooo!

*Cindy slams her head down and longs for sleep*


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