First up - let me give out a holla, holla!!!! to my Duckie girls. I gave them the link to my blog, so they might be reading it. (I've already read yours, Missy!)
Next up - daymmmmm! How do I go almost a MONTH without posting at all???? Criminy rickets! I gotta stop doing that! How is that helping me to write at all????
Well, here we are... A few days past Thanksgiving: Canadian Edition and I am no longer waking up and not knowing where I am. :cheers erupt from Smalltown Alberta!: Most of the time, I wake up and know where I am, which is a great thing. I am very happy with that.
I'm starting to feel settled in the new house, but cannot yet call it "home" without feeling like I'm somehow betraying the old house. (Which, I know, sounds completely LAME, but hey! They are feelings! And feelings are neither right nor wrong, so stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it! Ha!)
I'm enjoying the extra room, but I know that right now is the sort of "New Home Honeymoon" period where you haven't made the interest payment on your mortgage yet, you haven't gotten any utility bills yet, and you're just bumpin' right on along, tripping merrily on the road to Wal-Mart to go pick up MORE throw rugs for the new house "just coz you can" and everything is hunky dory. Then, BLAM! You get socked in the side of the head with a little ole thing I like to call REALITY. And you can bet that reality can sometimes be a bitch on wheels, can't she????
So, I feel like I'm bracing my self inwardly for the slam of reality and what that means to us, as a family, and me, as the main grocery shopper/procurer of stuff from Wal-Mart/getter of new shoes/ purchaser for all holidays and birthdays......
*sigh* Sometimes I wish life wasn't so MUCH.
But some good stuff has happened too, in the past little bit. I've started to play the piano again, which I NEVER thought I'd do. My sister gave me all the sheet music that we had when we were growing up, and MAN! Did we ever have a lot of sheet music!!!
So, I"ve been dabbling a little bit in some of the old songs I used to play. I was a lot better than I gave myself credit for, way back in the day. (Much to my chagrin now!)
But, I've been plonking away at those keys. Doggedly, one would even say. I think I am going to re-learn Anne's Theme by Hagwood Hardy even if it KILLS me!!! (Everyone may be completely sick of it, but who cares!!! I'm going to learn that!! Again!)
But I've been rediscovering my passion for music, which I haven't really indulged in the past 9 years. It's so nice, so refreshing to sit down at the piano, and to make something beautiful. To make my heart, and my spirit soar when I get a piece right. To indulge in simple things once more. Something as simple as a beautiful line of a sonata. Or a rousing crescendo of a passionate piece. To hear the keyboard weep with gentleness once more.
To get lost in the music once more.
What an absolute gift music is to me. It never was when I was younger - I think I saw it as a form of cruel and unusual medivel torture. One that "I was sure" I'd never use when I grew up - kinda like quadratic equations in high school. (Who the heck actually uses those, anyways??)
But, the older I get, the more I'm finding that I'm enjoying the little things. The cookies. The homemade stew. The card from a friend. The phone call. The beauty of the printed word on a page. The majesty of music, and the life it can bring into my soul. Dreams. Hopes. Faith. God. Love that takes your breath away. Truth. Honesty. Peace.
All "little things", all somewhat simple things. But the most life altering, the most heart changing, the most dynamic things I've found yet.
Like Amy Grant says so well,
"I dream of simple things I can believe in
Like the feeling this day brings,
True love and the miracle of forgiving,
I believe in Simple Things."
Help us all to see the simple things in our lives, and to grant us the wisdom to embrace them and keep them close, rather than push them all away.
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