Now, I KNOW that it seems like a presumptuous title for a blog post, but hear me out.....
Yes, I sort of feel like Jonah by saying that I got a word from the Lord. (All I need now is a half caterpillar, half worm named Khalil who follows me around. LOL)
Here is what I received from the Lord while I was in church today......
I really felt led to sit down and write and journal my conversation with God while I was praying, so I sat down and took out a piece of paper (that my 2 year old had so thoughtfully pre-decorated for me with a nice teal blue marker), a pen, and asked,
"God, what would You like to say to me today?"
This is what I felt He was saying.....
"CINDY. I have spoken you forth before the beginning of time. What makes you think that the calling and the mandate that I've put on you since before the foundations of the world were laid is now null and void? Am I that small of a god?"
"I AM Jehovah Nissi! I Am that I Am! Look before you - I AM stretching out my right hand of GLORY out before you! The mountains shall be as the valleys - and they will be under your feet! I am your deliverer! I am your justice! I am your righteousness! Am I not the King Of Kings, the Lord of Lords? I am ready, willing and able. Trust me - your many foes shall be conquered. Wait, and watch the LORD!"
"You are right to bow face down in the presence of My Glory. You have been asking for wisdom. For understanding. For knowledge. The your eyes of your heart to be enlightened. And so they shall. They shall."
"See, Cindy, you are in a transition. No longer of the old, newly ushered into the new."
So I asked, "What does that mean, God?"
"It means, look! See! I do a new thing in you! No longer are you the same as you were 10 years ago, 5 years ago. All that disappointment is washed away. You are cleansed.
You are an oak, planted by the River. I diverted the River for a while, and caused your roots - your trust in Me - to go deeper and deeper. Now, you've tapped into the underground Spring Of Life."
So, I asked God, "What does that mean for me, God?"
God replied,
"A new mantle I lay upon your shoulders. You are not limited in My Kingdom.
Arise, and see your God - your Daddy God in action."
I realize that not everyone has these sorts of conversations with God that I do. All I can say in my defense was it was how I learned it from Mark Virkler (thank you Mark, where ever you are!) at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship School Of Ministry.
Part of me is SOOOOO excited to have this sort of conversation with God - it's what I've been begging Him for. Part of me is petrified - I looked it up, and Jehovah Nissi means "LORD Our Banner" (which, we all know, armies fought under banners to declare their allegiances). God has also been talking to me about the wisdom and strength of Deborah - that God mightily used her both as a judge and as a prophetess.
To get this sort of chat from God is just breathtaking in it's authority and in it's other-ness. I guess that's why they call it a rhema word - a talk/breath right to the inner core of who you are, right from the Holy Spirit's proverbial lips.
I do want to be used by God - absolutely. I don't see myself as a warrior, or as a judge or prophetess (saints preserve me!). However, as I am just finishing up the study called "Believing God" by Beth Moore, I have to state that:
1. God is who He Says He is.
2. God can do what He says He can do.
3. I am who God says I am.
4. I can do ALL things in Christ.
5. God's Word is alive nad active in me.
I'm believing God! (pointer finger at myself, point at my head, point up to the sky)
So I don't really think that I have the option to disagree with God on what He says I am. As I read today, delayed obedience is full disobedience.
So I am choosing to believe that I am who God says I am - even though I don't see it myself.
Lord, come. Speak to me - speak to us. Open the eyes and ears of our hearts - of our inner spirit man to hear and see you better. Lord, we long to see you in full - not as through a glass dimly. Teach us. Make us.
Teach me, Lord. Teach me who I am in Your eyes. Show me how to be the daughter of God that You've made me to be.
I know I can only exist by Your grace, Lord.......
We have nothing to give
That didn't first come from Your hands
We have nothing to offer You
Which You did not provide
Every good, perfect gift comes from
Your kind and gracious heart
And all we do is give back to You
What always has been Yours
Lord, we're breathing the breath
That You gave us to breath
To worship You, to worship You
And we're singing these songs
With the very same breath
To worship You, to worship You
Who has given to You
That it should be paid back to him?
Who has given to You
As if You needed anything?
From You, and to You, and through You
Come all things, O Lord
And all we do is give back to You
What always has been Yours
We are breathing the breath
That You gave us to breath
"Breathing the Breath" by Matt Redman
1 comment:
That was awesome!!! Great post.
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