Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Blah Ditty Blah....

Well, here I sit. It's Tuesday night and I have a SERIOUS case of the "blahs". *sigh* I am so bored, that the thought of giving the dog a bath sounds intriguing. (And she's really hairy too, so it would take me a while)
Nothing's really been happening lately.... Just more of the same. Hubby goes away for a few nights next week..... I haven't slept by myself in a while, so we'll see how I do. I haven't been "on my own" yet in this house (his last trip was last winter and we were still in our old house).... I'm not sure how to feel. In some ways, I can sense myself almost pulling away from him, just so I don't miss him so much. (Which is dumb - it's not like he's going to be DYING or anything! He's just going away for a few nights!)
Stupid, I know.

That's about it. Maybe I'll go wash the dog now.

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