Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Oh, My Aching Feet.....

So...... I'm petrified.

These are my feetsies.... after my last pedi (notice the lovely purple polish that my youngest daughter picked out?). You can see that they are relatively white (which is good, seeing as I'm a white Canadian), and that my polish is dee-lightful.
What you can't see is that my feet hurt so much, so consistently, that I'm forced to limp quite frequently - both around the house and in public. My children cannot sit with me on the couch for fear that they will bump my feet and bring me to tears with the pain. I have the HARDEST time finding shoes that simply just FIT, let alone look good..... I've even outgrown the wide width shoes.

So, with that all in mind, my wonderful hubby caught me limping the other day (I try not to let him see me), and instantly sat me down and TOLD ME that I was going to call the podiatrist FIRST THING on Monday morning.
So I did. I was okay with it - because honestly - in the Calgary region, you CANNOT get in to see a specialist really quickly, so I thought it would take me ages to get in to see the Doc.
They could have gotten me an appointment on Wednesday (but it was too close to when my 2 older kids get out of school), so I opted for the Friday afternoon appointment.

I am so nervous, I am ready to puke! What if???? What if I have to have surgery? (Oh no! How will we afford it??) Who will help me if I have to have surgery?
What if I have to have those gawd awful orthotics that are hideous and don't allow me to wear cute shoes?
What if, what if????
Hubby just doesn't understand my anxiety about this.... He's a guy. He doesn't have to have purty toes. (Nobody looks at guys toes anyways!)

Just wanted to share......

1 comment:

RoneTyne said...

Everything is going to be okay!!!!