Sorry, everyone. I honestly didn't mean to NOT blog for all these days... Life just kinda got away from me.
That was my hell day. I dropped the dog off at the groomers (which, by the way, I'm SO OVER Groomingtails!), went to Michaels to pick up some leather thread for my Mother In Law.... Aaaaaannnnndddd, I got sucked into the vortex that is Michaels. Again. (It seems to be my downfall!)
After I had purchased some crafts for my kids (Birdie wanted some Wonder Woman bracelets which are VERY hard to find! We found some wooden bracelets on sale and decided that she could paint them up herself as a sort of "Make Work" project to keep her entertained one afternoon.).

Taco picked up a little "Build Your Own Little Wooden Airplane" kit (hey - it was a BUCK!!!).
Nally picked up a little diary that you can lock. (And, having just seen "The Princess Diaries" - it was an unqualified success.)
Liam - he got some mini Frisbees with "Michkey Mouse Clubhouse" on it.
I got a bunch of Mary Engelbreit magnets! (One of my fave parts of Michaels is the little wire bins at the front of the store that hold all sorts of notebooks, magnets and cards. Can you tell???)
So after we got my MIL the waxed thread she needed for her leather project, we head out to the car, and my cell rings. I pick it up, and the conversation went like this:
Me: Oh, I'm so glad you called! I'm just leaving Michaels right now to come up to your place, and I got you some white waxed thread for leather - the one you were asking me for.
My MIL: White??? You got me WHITE waxed thread? For my leather pouch project?? Well, THAT won't match!!
Me: That was the only color they had. I tried calling you 6 times....
My MIL: Well, it's not right! I can't finish my project with WHITE thread! It won't match!
Me (getting a little frustrated): Well, what would you like me to do? They only had white.
My MIL, getting more emphatic: Well, I can't have it! You'll have to take it back!
Me, looking around while parked in the parking lot, all 4 kids buckled in their car seats and ready to go... : You want me to take it back?
My MIL: Yes! Don't they have a light tan or something?
Me: They do, but not the waxed thread like you specified that you originally wanted! In waxed thread, they only had white. In the artificial sinew, they have black, brown, tan,
My MIL, interupting: Go get me the tan.
Me, sighing with weariness already: Fine. I'll unbuckle the kids and go get you the tan stuff. We will be late getting to your place then.
My MIL, dismissively: Oh, that's alright. I'll see you when you get here.
End of cell transmission.
And I, of course, was EVER SO MATURE, and muttered some things under my breath about "picky, ungrateful mother in laws..." and "if I don't do a good enough job, you can just go do it yourself!" and assorted other things that were, in hind sight, a little mean spirited and nasty. But folks... Keep in mind. My MIL has a brain injury. She is frustrating on her best days. (And to be honest, I'm just glad that she loves my kids, and that her and my Hubby (her son) have had a chance to say everything they wanted and needed to say to each other. )
*slams head on computer desk*
Other than that, Wednesday was a day full of errands in the city that I really didn't want to do. I'm getting to the point where I actually don't LIKE Calgary any more... It's too big! We had a picnic at the Flying Saucer Park, we went shopping at Winners (bought the girls some cute Mary Jane shoes), went to Please Mum, and had a Strawberry Lemonade at Second Cup. All while waiting for the dog to be done at the groomers.
We got home at 4:45.... Just in time to get Taco ready to go to his football! *flashes you the double thumbs up rahter sarcastically*
Now I know full well why I would not cut it as a working mum. I simply can't deal with it!
Thursday... We vaccuummed, and just tried to get caught up on all that we had to do.
Today - hallelujah - it's Friday!!!
This weekend we have 2 birthdays to go to (so of COURSE I have to go buy the presents still!). It's going to be busier than I'd like.
And my insomnia has come back.... How I long to go Hollywood, and just use sleeping pills, but I'm too chicken. I already get weird-ass dreams (last night's dream was my best girlfriend Leese, asked if my Hubby would be her "babydaddy" as she wanted children. WEIRD!!!!) - I don't need some chemicals in there too!!!
Have a great Friday, all!
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