So..... guess what??? I had to go see my hand surgeon again, and he determined that I needed another surgery. (How did I get so gosh darned lucky??!?) I saw him January 12th, and my whole entire appointment was 10 minutes from me walking in the door, checking in with the receptionist, sitting down, getting called back, getting seated, seeing the doc, and leaving. WOW!!! Fast! (But on the up side - I only had to pay $1.50 for parking! W00t!)
Yeah. Surgery. His office called me on the 12th in the afternoon, and set up surgery for January 15th. (cue inner freaking out...) With much fear and trepidation and memories of the last hand surgery floating thru my mind, I showed up for the surgery Thursday morning. I won't lie to you.... it was incredibly gross. Knowing that once again, you get to undergo extensive therapy to be able to move - I think it is mandatory that successful physio patients have to be a bit sadistic. And hearing your own scar tissue rip away from your tendon during the ever-so-fun Patient Participation portion of the surgery (you have to move your hand when they tell you - with it wide open... "Annnnddd, make a fist? HARD!! Again! Really hard!!" ) - barforama. I am still a little urpy when I remember it. (I try not to remember it)
But this is my latest owwie.... I'll take you on a tour. I'll post pics of my Bionic Hand later... ;)

And get this.... I am in Physio already. Moving it, bending it, and trying to get the tendon gliding and hopefully moving it enough that the scar tissue won't adhere to the tendon again. (Scar tissue treats muscle, bone, tendon, ligaments, and skin all the same - it just glues it together hence the reason why I couldn't move anything.) I can bend the middle joint a lot better than I could before, but the top joint wasn't released... The surgeon said that there's very little success to be had with those itty bitty joints, and that we were asking for more trouble than it was worth.
I'll take photos of my Bionic Hand later tonight and post it...
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