Wednesday, 26 May 2010

I really should blog more often....

Well, hellloooo there! Long time, no see!

Wow. My last post was Feb 20th. Wow. Lotsa sh!t has gone on since then.... Shall I fill you in???
*deep breath*

Since February 16th we've had
-Hubby get laid off from his job
- our dishwasher quit working and we had to replace it
- Hubby's grandmother passed away
- my great-aunt passed away
- an old friend of the family passed away.... ALL within a week of each other! Sheesh!
- we've been broken into (over the Easter long weekend) and Hubby's rims and tires were stolen
- Hubby was diagnosed with follicitis and is now on AT LEAST a 1 month long regimen of an antifungal oral med and a topical antifungal cream. (Cha-ching!)
- Oldest son broke his glasses and needed new ones
-I chipped a CONTACT somehow, so out came an old one for me to wear....
-Hubby went to Vegas
-Hubby and oldest son went to Grande Prairie for a Tae Kwon Do tournament
-Oldest son won his first gold at said tournament
-Hubby and oldest son went camping for a long weekend with Hubby's friend and son
-I ended up with a sinus infection
-I got a Pandora bracelet for Mother's day! (Yippee!)
- I have decided to go back to school to get my Library Information Technician Diploma from SAIT in Calgary. I have a face-to-face meeting with the dep't head to discuss my online schooling options.
-Youngest son is SIGNED up for Kindergarten in the fall!

Just writing that out made me tired. *wearily rubs face*

So yeah. Lots of changes going on. Hubby hasn't found a new job yet. I keep on hoping and praying that TODAY would be the day that the Lord provides a job for him, but to no avail. :(
To be honest, I'm so tired of hoping. I really am. I'm just tired of being worried all the time.

But yeah. Me going back to school is pretty exciting/nerve-wracking/freaking me out. It looks like I will be able to use some of our RRSP money to pay for school (I just have to pay it back within 10 years) which should be do-able. I'm excited to actually use my brain again. (I wonder if it's still there after all these years of preschool television??? Maybe the Teletubbies DID rot my brain out!! Eeeps!) And it looks like I should be able to do the vast majority of the diploma online, so I can balance out my school with my family and all that jazz. Because honestly. With 4 kids in school in the fall, there is NO WAY on God's green earth that I will be able to drop my kids off at school in the morning, drive 45 minutes into Calgary, take my 2 hours of classes and then nip back into Okotoks to pick up Youngest Son from Kindergarten and still stay on track to graduate in 2 years. Not going to happen, I can guarantee you.
But maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to take a few classes online and do them while Youngest Son is at Kindy and in the afternoons while he's napping/resting/watching tv/destroying the house.
Just maybe.
And it looks like I won't be the only one going back to school... It looks like Hubby is going back to school too to get a degree!
I still have to see how THAT'S going to pan out for life/work/school balance. And he needs a job. He's starting to get bored of me which is bad news.

Other than that, there's been some changes - I've really eased up on the online bulletin board stuff that I used to read on I think I'm over that part of my life. Even Farmville on Facebook I'm getting tired of. (Really? There's no more levels after level 70? Really???)

But spring is sort of here to the Foothills of Alberta. They are calling for snow tomorrow night possibly. I just keep on trying to remind myself that snow is better than venomous snakes and Gargantuan Bugs That Attack People. And hurricanes. And tsunamis. I'll just freeze to death here in Canada, thankyouverymuch.

And I've really been jonesing for a tattoo....
I'm thinking something like a scottish thistle. I did have a great design, but someone removed the photo from the Intertubes! Argh!!!!
Anyhow - every time I watch "The History Of Scotland" I get all patriotic for my heritage (my grandfather emigrated from Scotland to Canada) and I want a tattoo. But with me going to school it might be difficult to come up with the extra cash. (Seems somewhat foolish to get a tat when there's so many other things going on financially... Know what I mean?)

Anyways. Now you're pretty up to speed. I know you missed my wonderful happy presence on the tubes (yeah, right! LOL).

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