Friday, 5 July 2013

Day After Surgery - WARNING! Uncensored!

Coughing. What a lovely way to wake up - Not. Got a whole 3 hours of broken sleep last night - from 1:30-3:30 when I was awoken by a dude who was waking around & the nurses were asking him where he was going at 3:30 am. Fell back asleep at 4 and slept until 5. Got up 4-5 times to pee since midnight. Filled the toilet hat twice with 2 pees each. Took more morphine than I thought I would last night. After my night nurse, Tracy, came on, she was looking at my belly and made me cry with the pain. No sorry or anything. I took 2 hits after that. :( I'm hoping to get up & walk today and get these damn leg compression things off. And I need a sleeping pill for tonight. 7:36 Breakfast is served. Ended up with a student nurse who asked all sorts of asinine questions. I was snarly to start, then "breakfast" was served. Fucking jello, fucking vegetable broth, an apple juice and a fucking coffee that I can't drink. What's the fucking point of bringing me a tray if you're going to put non-food on it? Fuck... So I'm sucking back my apple juice cursing them all out inside my head. On the outside, I'm pleasant and charming, but on the inside I'm a rage filled snarling wild animal. I should probably have some morphine. I wonder if its normal to not feel pain per se, but to be annoyed, short tempered and irritated. 8 am Vampire from the lab just came to get more blood. No fucking idea why. I've come to the realization that I fucking hate people. Everyone who touches me either hurts me or ends up imposing their will upon me. I'm fucking sick of it. I'm weepy as fuck which is annoying the shit out of me. I'm just so MAD. I don't remember the last time I was this angry. 8:35 am Fiona came by and talked to me. I burst into tears (so fucking weepy it's driving me nuts!) while talking to her. I told her I want to stab everyone I see and she smiled and took a step back. We agreed that the morphine probably isn't cutting it for pain and she's ordered me T3's and Percocets. She also ordered me a sleeping pill for at night so I can sleep longer than 3 hours hopefully. Halle-fricking-lujah. I just want to go home, eat real food & sleep. 9 am: They removed my morphine pump and while they had a saline block on my IV stump, I took the opportunity to go find an honest-to-God bathroom with a door. My nurse said "oh just use the one by your bed." Me: " No. Absolutely not. Doors are essential." I found a REAL bathroom just down the hall. I plan on using that during the day. 10:30 Student nurse chippy comes and says for me to get up as it will help get my bowels moving. Snarky nurse chick comes and asks snarkily if I'm going to have a wash today. I tell her I already did at 5 am. She shuts up. I go for a walk on the ward, find an honest to God toilet and revel in its doorly glory as I pee. I hit up the kitchenette on my way back & nab water, cranberry juice, cheerios and soda crackers. The Cheerios are yummy and I'm eating them slowly. 11:22 lunch is served - beef broth, lime jello, apple juice and shitty black tea. I'm planning on skipping the tea. Family showed up at noonish to visit and they stayed 40 minutes or so as my Percocet took effect. Love Percocet. They left, I went to the loo and then tried to have a nap. Nope. People kept on talking loudly, walking around. I would almost be asleep and then I'd get woken up. So frustrated! But I had a rest so that was good. Hopefully I'll get a sleeping pill tonight that will knock me out. So now it's 2:16 pm and this is the longest day of my life, I swear. Had another Percocet at 4 pm and got jittery, itchy, and jumpy. At about 4:30, dinner came (chicken broth, tea, cherry jello and orange juice). I had the broth and I plunked in a peppermint tea bag into the water. Beautiful. About 45 minutes later, the teas gone down so well, I go make another. Halfway thru that cup I get horribly nauseated. Nurse finally comes in and gives me Gravol which, thankfully, knocks me out asleep. An hour or so after I fall asleep, nurse wakes me up to take stupid ibuprophen. I was so upset I could've cried. So then I enquire about my sleeping pill and she's like " Are you sure you need it, dear?" Me: YES. So she rustled up my 1 mg Ativan tablet. I swallowed it at 9:45 pm and drifted off to sleep. I slept until 2:30 am, got up , went for a walk & had a pee & got my drain emptied then FELL BACK ASLEEP until 5:45 am. Seriously - best nights sleep I've had in ages AND I've just had my first fart - yay me!

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