Saturday, 22 November 2008

I did it.

I caved to my kids incessant demands and put up the Christmas tree.
Granted, it took Hubby and I like 15 minutes to figure out how the f*ck to hook up all the little lighties so the WHOLE christmas tree was lit up, rather than just the middle section. *roll eyes*
Yep, so after searching and SEARCHING both online and in my ornament box, we STILL couldn't find the bloody instructions, so we actually figured it out, and TA DAHHHH! We figured it out!
I later found the instructions at the verrrrry bottom of the "breakable" ornament box. (Really helpful of me to have packed it that way last year!)
We also went to "Light Up The Night" in our town the other night. It was "ehhh". We froze our toesies off while waiting for the tree to be lit up, and refroze them later on while we were waiting to get onto a wagon ride. The kids had fun, but by the time we got home, it was after 9 pm. (Bed time is 7:30!)
But, for better or worse, the tree is up.  

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