Tuesday, 25 November 2008

The Waiting Game....


So. Saw the Hand Surgeon yesterday. The drive in was actually quite pleasant. I was rather shocked! Normally, the drive from Okotoks into Calgary is quite busy, but I got from the Okotoks Overpass onto the #2 Highway to the parkade underneath the Rockyview Hospital in 24 minutes. And I didn't even speed!!!  And I found a parking spot (yay!!!) . 
I walked into the hospital, and found the Cast Clinic (man, it's a labyrinth in there!), and waited. And waited. And waited some more.
Finally, 25 minutes AFTER when I was supposed to have my appointment, they called me back.

The surgeon came over, and said hello, and asked what was going on. 
I said, "My physio therapist wanted me to give you this (gave him a note), and wanted you to just check out all the scar tissue."
So, he took my gimpy pinky, and blocked the bottom of it and said "Now, bend please."
(a second passed while I obediently bent my pinky)
"No seriously... Can you bend your pinky please?"
To which I said "I AM!!! This IS my bend!"

He looked at me and said "Oh.   (long pause) Is this ALL the bend you've ever had?"
I replied that yes... This is all I've ever been able to move it.
He "hmmm"ed, and poked my finger, and felt part of it.
Then, he told me this.

"Sometimes, tendons are kind of like cars stuck in a snow drift. You rock them, and rock them, and sometimes they get enough momentum to get out themselves. Right? Well, your tendon could do that, and the scar tissue would just rip off while you are doing your everyday normal exercises. Or, if that doesn't happen, we have to open your finger back up, and strip off the scar tissue again, and then you are sort of back at square 1 again, having to go to physio for the next 4 months."

Ummm.... bleah? Either way sounds gross to me!
But, we are to keep on doing what we are doing. We have to be super aggressive with my finger (I am SO not looking forward to that!) and we will re-assess it in early January.

But, on a positive side, that means that I am relatively good to go for Christmas! I don't have to be afraid to cook up a proverbial storm (which is good, seeing as I'm hosting Christmas Day and I think my SIL is coming with her two boys to stay for a week!).

So that's my update. :(

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