Y'know, when you get used to sleeping thru the night every night - when your kids start waking up again, it really drains you! I honestly don't know how I did the whole getting up every night thing when I had little kids. (Maybe that's where my extra 50 pounds came from.... Hmmmmm)
But, it's a Friday. Hallelujah. It's Friday.
I saw the funniest thing (I so wish I had my camera recording it, so I could show it here)..... Hubby was skipping through the kitchen with excitement today. "Why?" you ask.... Well! Good question!!!!
He got some new tires delivered for his car this morning, right before he went to work. So I know what he's doing tonight! *grin*
I spent all last night on the "pe-cuter" (as my 2 year old calls it), looking at vintage food art. You know... The old Cadbury and food ads that they had in the 1900's.... The cute ones like this:

I personally love that kind of art, and when I saw some at Hubby's work yesterday all I could think was "Cool decorations for my kitchen and house!!!"
And, of course, I instantly thought "Perfect housewarming gifts!". (My mom is building a new house, and I found some great ones for her)
I'll have to email them to Hubby to see what we can do. I found some amazing travel posters from the 40's of London, Manhattan, New York and Edinburgh that I would love to put up. We'll see.....
Well, off to start my day! (I feel the need for some caffeine and sugar - preferably together!)
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