Monday, 28 July 2008

What a Weekend.

I think I need another weekend to recuperate from my weekend.

So Friday night. We did the whole "Annual Birthday Bash".... Much merriment was had, and our tradition of somebody almost shooting a beverage out of their nose was upheld (and no! It wasn't me this time!). Vonnika, Guy Ginborgness and Phart all came over (along with the Lovely Little Miss Katy), and Vonnika was declared the winner of Trivial Pursuit at 1:15 in the morning, because we all were getting a little goofy and punchy.
But honestly, we had a great time. We indulged WAAAAAAYYYYY too much with yummy food (heelllooo!!! Homemade guacamole??? It's not indulging - it's a law of some sort somewhere!).

So Saturday came awfully early. (Ugh) Hubby had to go to work for 10 am, and I spent the day trying to catch up on cleaning the hoopla from the night before.

Sunday..... We met my MIL, and my SIL, her hubby and their two boys for lunch at the Cheesecake Cafe. Y'know, I really wasn't impressed with the Cheesecake Cafe.... I've had a lot better food (and granted, lots worse). But it didn't make me want to go back, I can tell you that.
Maybe next time we'll try Moxie's or Red Robin's, or maybe Jack Astor's.

So tday is my Monday.
I've already done 2 loads of dishes in the dishwasher (how does THAT happen!), and I picked up the holds that I had at the Library.
I'm looking forward to a quiet week.
This weekend, Hubby is busy, so I'll be all by myself.... prolly wanting some adult conversation. (Maybe we'll go up and see my sister and her new babe!) Awwww, jingers!

Happy Monday, and pass the caffeine.....

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