But the bad news is - I just started to be able to bend one of the joints yesterday for the first time. Do you realize how many owwies you get when you can't bend your pinky? Yeah.... I didn't know either. The answer - you get alot. You jam it on everything from your car ignition, to the railing as you walk down the stairs in the morning. (Not to mention on corners, in your purse, and my personal fave - jamming it on your kids seat belt buckles as you're putting them in their car seats!)
I went back to the Urgent Care yesterday morning, as I was a little concerned about me not being able to bend my finger properly. I still can't move the top joint, closest to my nail, but I can move the mid joint.... Hallelujah! I hope that I'll be able to "rehab" it somehow... Without having to pay for stupid physio! :D
So that's my latest "drama". I have acquired a new nickname courtesy of a guy I call Britney (so I guess it was time for payback, really....). It's just so embarrassing to have done this with a BUTTER KNIFE! Argh!
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