Monday, 22 December 2008

So, This Is Christmas??

I am all done all my shopping, marketing, errands, wrapping... Thank the Lord above!
Even though I'm hosting Christmas Eve (for 15 people) and Christmas Day (for 14 people), I actually don't feel that stressed out. (Makes me wonder what's wrong with me, LOL!) The thing that's bothering me the most is just this Arctic weather we've got going on! (You try doing stuff outside when it's a -35 windchill!! Poor dog doesn't even want to PEE outside!)
But I've....
-gotten water
-gotten groceries and the turkey (which is defrosting in the fridge as I type)
-wrapped everything
-"arranged" the guest bathroom.

So far I need to still....
-bake Christmas cookies
-finish up laundry
-finish baking bread (I love my breadmaker!)
-figure out what we are eating for Christmas breakfast
-knit like crazy to get a scarf done for a lady at Hubby's work. (I'd like to have it done by the 24th)
-buy more milk and cream for Christmas morning coffee

All in all... not too bad of a "To Do" list. Pretty do-able. Especially since I'm not going to Physio until the 29th (I got a vacation! Woo!). Hurray!

My hand is pretty achy though.... I think it may be just the COLD. I find that my finger isn't as "bendy" as it normally is (but I haven't been wearing my Buddy Sleeve as much due to parties and having my hands in water). I keep on doing my passive stretching, but I feel like I"m pretty close to normal. Just, I can't bend my pinky! :D

That's me.
Merry Christmas! 

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful!

WINTER STORM WARNING: Okotoks-High River-ClaresholmIssued at 6:11 AM MST SATURDAY 13 DECEMBER 2008



Yeah. We are staying inside. It's just not worth it to go outside. So instead, I think I'll do some baking. Maybe some homemade bread?? Cookies? 
And Hubby has his work's Christmas party tonight. So that'll be interesting. I hope my presents go over well (it's a homemade scarf and a mug from Starbucks).

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Mistletoe Fruitcake!!!

One of my favorite commercials of this year... I love how the initials of the words that the elf uses corresponds to actual bad words! Tee hee hee!!!

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

The Waiting Game....


So. Saw the Hand Surgeon yesterday. The drive in was actually quite pleasant. I was rather shocked! Normally, the drive from Okotoks into Calgary is quite busy, but I got from the Okotoks Overpass onto the #2 Highway to the parkade underneath the Rockyview Hospital in 24 minutes. And I didn't even speed!!!  And I found a parking spot (yay!!!) . 
I walked into the hospital, and found the Cast Clinic (man, it's a labyrinth in there!), and waited. And waited. And waited some more.
Finally, 25 minutes AFTER when I was supposed to have my appointment, they called me back.

The surgeon came over, and said hello, and asked what was going on. 
I said, "My physio therapist wanted me to give you this (gave him a note), and wanted you to just check out all the scar tissue."
So, he took my gimpy pinky, and blocked the bottom of it and said "Now, bend please."
(a second passed while I obediently bent my pinky)
"No seriously... Can you bend your pinky please?"
To which I said "I AM!!! This IS my bend!"

He looked at me and said "Oh.   (long pause) Is this ALL the bend you've ever had?"
I replied that yes... This is all I've ever been able to move it.
He "hmmm"ed, and poked my finger, and felt part of it.
Then, he told me this.

"Sometimes, tendons are kind of like cars stuck in a snow drift. You rock them, and rock them, and sometimes they get enough momentum to get out themselves. Right? Well, your tendon could do that, and the scar tissue would just rip off while you are doing your everyday normal exercises. Or, if that doesn't happen, we have to open your finger back up, and strip off the scar tissue again, and then you are sort of back at square 1 again, having to go to physio for the next 4 months."

Ummm.... bleah? Either way sounds gross to me!
But, we are to keep on doing what we are doing. We have to be super aggressive with my finger (I am SO not looking forward to that!) and we will re-assess it in early January.

But, on a positive side, that means that I am relatively good to go for Christmas! I don't have to be afraid to cook up a proverbial storm (which is good, seeing as I'm hosting Christmas Day and I think my SIL is coming with her two boys to stay for a week!).

So that's my update. :(

Sunday, 23 November 2008

I am the Master Of Procrastination.

I have a "hot date" with the Hand Surgeon tomorrow morning. Ohhhh, in about 10 hours or so.
A sane individual would be in bed, sleeping right about now.
But have I ever CLAIMED to be sane???? NOOOO!
So what am I doing instead?
Writing on my blog. 
Surfing the Net. (our dog, Katy, has some weird pustules on her back. I squeezed them, and pus came out, and of course, my imagination started to run away with me... "What if it's cancer? Oh no! What would we do? Would we put Katy down? What would I do with all her dog paraphernalia? Oh my gosh... The kids would be so sad!")
Getting ready to put a Band-Aid on my knee (I tripped over the vacuum hose, and skinned my knee. I am some sort of genius, I tell you..) And I banged my pinky when I fell.... Good thing I'm seeing the hand surgeon tomorrow! (I am such a DOOR KNOB!)
And I am doing my "passive stretching" which is a really fancy-schmancy term for "bending the crap out of my pinky using some sort of a stretchy - velcro strappy contraption, and leaving it there for at least 15 minutes". I normally put it on when I'm driving in the car, because I'm sitting still for at least 15 in there. And then I can claim that I'm multi-tasking! :D

Oh, and look..... my stretch is almost done. Yayyyyyy..... * waves a pennant half-heartedly...*
Oh, and the Calgary Stamps won the Grey Cup. So you know what THAT means! Hubby was quite cheerful at dinner tonight! Yay!
I'll update when I get back from the surgeon's hand clinic!

Saturday, 22 November 2008

I did it.

I caved to my kids incessant demands and put up the Christmas tree.
Granted, it took Hubby and I like 15 minutes to figure out how the f*ck to hook up all the little lighties so the WHOLE christmas tree was lit up, rather than just the middle section. *roll eyes*
Yep, so after searching and SEARCHING both online and in my ornament box, we STILL couldn't find the bloody instructions, so we actually figured it out, and TA DAHHHH! We figured it out!
I later found the instructions at the verrrrry bottom of the "breakable" ornament box. (Really helpful of me to have packed it that way last year!)
We also went to "Light Up The Night" in our town the other night. It was "ehhh". We froze our toesies off while waiting for the tree to be lit up, and refroze them later on while we were waiting to get onto a wagon ride. The kids had fun, but by the time we got home, it was after 9 pm. (Bed time is 7:30!)
But, for better or worse, the tree is up.  

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

What An Electrifying Time!

So either my physio team is getting desperate, or we are just resorting to weird ass treatments.
Today, they hooked me up to a "Muscle Stimulator" machine today. Basically, it's a nicer term for what it REALLY is.... An electrifying machine. Seriously. I kid you not.
They stuck some electrodes onto my arm, and tried to pinpoint where my tendons are (by trial and error, of course!), and then turned up the voltage! Aaaaaahhhh!
My hand did all SORTS of weird things that I had no control over! It started out feeling like pins & needles, and then escalated to my fingers curling and moving of their own volition. Really hilarious.
But it was by FAR the most exhausting thing I've done in recent memory! When we left Physio, we walked out to the car, and I was actually TREMBLING from exhaustion. (I don't remember the last time I felt that way!) So I went to Co-Op and bought something to eat, in hopes that I would stop shaking and stuff.
I did, but it's taken about 3 hours to sort of "get my bearings" again. (3 hours, 2 danishes, an egg salad sandwich and a cuppa tea, to be precise!)
I have a feeling it's going to be another early night! I could go to bed now, and sleep thru the whole night!
Hubby is going out with 2 of his buddies to go see the new Bond flick (so jealous!), so it's just me & the kids tonight.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

If I Make It Thru November....

I hate November. I really do.

Normally, it's Hubby that has a hard time with November. (Just full of bad anniversaries and stuff) This year - it's me. I'm having a hard time in November.
I don't know if it's just the pain from my hand, or the constant frustration of not progressing at all with it (Casual Diane is sending me back to the Hand Surgeon as she can't tell if the tendon is intact at all or not), or it's just some sort of spiritual "funk" that I'm in..... 
I haven't done any Christmas shopping (save for 1 gift), I haven't done my Christmas cards, I haven't started my baking..... None of it. (Hubby was actually surprised.... he started talking about how "we" need to do the shopping and get it done. :(  )

We now return you to your regularly scheduled program...

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Farewell, Quackers.

My new splint. It's so tiny!!
Look! Practically itty bitty!!!
Oooooh..... More sexy mesh. Somehow I get the feeling that Casual Diane is trying to reduce the swelling (it works like those pantyhose that helps to control varicose veins - compression!)

My new night time splint!!! What she is trying to do HERE is trying to straighten out my gosh darned pinky!! Argh!

Bad news at Rehab today.

My OT, who I call "Casual Diane" to differentiate her from "Formal Diane" and "Institutional Diane" (apparently, they like to hire Dianes there! LOL) told me that she is NOT pleased with my progress so far. Or shall I say, my lack of progress. :(
My pinky actually regressed in mobility this past week. All due to my nemesis - scar tissue. My pinky is "thick" (so they say) with scar tissue, and they are amazed at how MUCH scar tissue I've laid down. My OT is now thinking that I've created so much scar tissue that there is tendon, scar tissue, and then the other side of the tendon. Which is extraordinarily bad news. That means that another surgery to release scar tissue along the tendon sheath is all but guaranteed for me.
Casual Diane was telling me about another patient of hers with the exact same injury as mine. He is 6 weeks into his rehab, and he has full mobility, full range of motion. 
It's so hard not to be so insanely jealous at times.
But then I sat next to a guy who has almost the same injury as mine (minus the butter knife), and he is on tendon reattachment #2. The surgeon had to recreate tendon sheaths, as well as put in a silicone spacer so they can later do a tendon transplant. He had some muscle spasms as well - right AFTER his was originally sewn up, and it ripped and they couldn't catch it for 6 whole weeks.
So, compared to him, I am golden.
Sad, but true.
I had no idea how COMMON tendon injuries were!!!

Oh, before I get too far - Casual Diane told me to throw out Quackers. I was sad, and managed to hide him in my purse before she could grab him. So now, I have new splints! Yay! It's like shopping, except not as pretty. :D  I think I need to get ahold of my sister's heat gun to affix some sparkly stickers to it. *grin*

So that's all that's fit to print! I am instructed now to use my hand, and bend, bend BEND my pinky as much as I can! *groan!*

Just a quick update before I start my Crazy Day....
Well... I am off to Physio again today. Hopefully we will discover why my middle knuckle is so stiff and achy (almost like I have arthritis or something goofy like that in that particular knuckle). I am not looking forward to the actual WORK of physio though. If someone would have told me in the summer that simply trying to move my pinky would make me break a sweat. I would have laughed. So incredibly hard. 
Joke's on me. :)

But I have a day full of errands to run
- pick up Natty at 11:15 from Kindy
- make it to the Chiro for an 11:40 appointment
-head to Ikea to hopefully get replacement bolts and dowels for Liam's Big Boy Bed
- eat lunch (if I don't put it on the list,  I won't eat.) (Which I've been told isn't healthy for me)
- head to Shawnessy where I....
- take back my Library books to the Library
- Physio is at 2 until 3
 - the kids "Fun Bag" is packed with the nintendo DS's and some granola bars so HOPEFULLY they will be good while I "work it!"
-rush home to the 'Toks for Birdie when she gets home from school at 3:30
and then I still have to go to the 'Toks Library, the water store, and No Frills to pick up some bread.

No wonder I'm already tired! :D

Have a great day, and to all my American readers - GO OUT AND VOTE!


Wednesday, 29 October 2008

4 Weeks Later, Or, 4 Weeks of Sheer, Unmitigated Hell

Well, it's been a full 4 weeks since my tendon surgery. If I would have known what a long & winding road this journey would have been (not to mention how pain filled), I'm not 100% sure I would have done it.
Yes..... the finished product will prolly be great, and will prolly be what I envisioned..... But I am not at the Final Product yet. I am nowhere NEAR the Final Product, trust me! Right now I can MAYBE get 20 degrees of bend out of my pinky. Pretty frustrating. 
But here.... let me take you on a bit of a tour.

This is my Buddy Splint. Basically, it gets my pinky to move when my ring finger moves. Note the mesh?? Very sexy.   (Not.)
This is possibly one of my FAVORITE things. It's something like a sticker, but it just protects the still healing skin a little bit more, so it's not quite so raw and sensitive. God bless scientists.
This is my NEW night time splint. Pretty cool!!! After 4 weeks of having the splint on the TOP of my hand, now it's on the bottom. Comfy.  (Also good for konking Hubby on the noggin in the middle of the night.)
This is my incision.... 4 weeks after the fact.
This is Quackers now that it's been modified some more. (Note the ever-so-attractive white sleeve underneath? Roaa-rrr! Sexy!)

All in all.... I am really surprised how HARD this has been! Between the pain, the lack of mobility, and the challenges of being one-handed in a two handed world (hello! Jeans? What's up with that? Bra clasps! CAN OPENERS!!).... Some days I just want to scream in frustration, or to start bawling in utter humiliation. (Case in point - we were at a wedding this past weekend, and Hubby had to cut up my dinner for me.)
I THINK, and I sincerely hope that all this is worth it, and that my finger returns back to a functioning state. They (they being my occupational therapist at my tendon rehab, and my hand surgeon) think that I'll prolly have to have a second surgery to strip off some of the scar tissue off of my tendon, to get it gliding more smoothly and effectively. (To which I said a very eloquent, "Well, poop. That sucks!")

I thought that in 4 weeks, I'd be laughing, and ready to resume my normal life. Ha ha.... turns out that the joke is on me. I can't write, I have a hard time slicing bread, using a knife with my right hand, I can't lift anything with my right hand.... I JUST started using my right hand to type (hallelujah!), and washing my hair.

4 weeks down, 4 more to go. 

Monday, 20 October 2008

A Long Overdue Update..

 This is Quackers, Version 2.0. Note the ever-so-classy Velcro straps??? All I can say is THANK GOD it's so easy to get on and off.

My lovely healed up incision.... It is looking alot better than it was 2 weeks ago!

Look!! I am straightening my pinky! (Well, sort of....)
Given that this week is the third week since my surgery - I have to look on the upside, right??
But our main concern is definitely the swelling from my muscle spasms that I had over the Thanksgiving long weekend. So far, ice and compression are doing wonders for both my comfort level and the swelling. 
Thanks for all the well wishes... I am still on the search for an Electric Can opener, so if anyone finds a great deal on one, let me know!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Happy Fricking October!!!

The incision is from mid-palm to almost fingertip. And, in case you needed to know, finger tendons look A LOT like chicken tendons. I'm not liking chicken too much right now.....

Hubby thinks that we should name my splint "Quackers" and glue some googly eyes on it.

Got the tendon surgery done.....
Here's some pics.... (sorry 'bout the little to no narritive.... i am typing this one handed.) Boy oh boy.... it HURTS!!!!!


Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Happy Hump Day....

I told you all about how I get to go see a hand surgeon, right?
Did I tell you that I'm also KILLER nervous about it?? Part of me thinks that this surgeon is going to be a jerk, and say that it's all in my head (like that other doc did). Part of me thinks that they'll just open me up and fix it there and then.

Yep. Pretty nervous.

I honestly just want to be able to bend it again. I'm so tired of jamming my finger (it's gotten so painful that I'm swearing while crying. And I don't want Liam to learn MORE bad words from me!). And, I never thought I would EVER say this, but I'm missing the wrinkle that used to be where my joint is. (It's disappeared from lack of bending)

Well, off to go do more laundry.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

What's The Hullabaloo About?

I realize that I am not the "hippest cat" on the planet. I totally get it. A 31 year old woman with 4 kids living in a small town is rarely a hipster, or "ahead" of the times (especially technologically!), but really.......

What's the big idea about things like Twitter and Facebook??? I've heard that Twitter is, simply put, the BOMB (in a good way, I"ve been assured). Why are we, as a society, so drawn to social networking sites like that?
Is it because, we as humans, are intrinsically CURIOUS about each other?
Is it because we are essentially longing for a place to belong, even if it's just a website?

Is it because we long for a community in the day and age where we (mostly) don't even know our neighbors names? (For the record - I do know my neighbors. On the one side. *embarrassed grin* The other side - I know their cat's name is Scotty, and I know they have 4 kids that are grown, and I know they are French Canadians.... Not too sure on their names though.)

Now, I'm not saying that these sites are "evil" or "wrong" or anything....
I'm just merely asking.
I quite like the graphics on Twitter.... I like the look of it a lot better than Facebook.
(And is Facebook going the way that MySpace went?)

So yeah. I"m on Twitter. I'm on FaceBook. I know how to use FaceBook... still figuring out Twitter. (And still needing to find friends on Twitter. Haven't figured out that yet.)

Oh, and happy Sunday. So far it's been a "meh" day..... Hubby is working again... 7th day straight.
Let's just say that I've been praying. Hard.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

What Happens When You See Your Family Doctor...


Remember my lovely experiment with testing out the sharpness of my new Lagostina butter knives back in July???

Well, I FINALLY got in to see my family doctor last night.
I had forgotten how much I like her. She's a great doc - fantastic bedside manner, competent, professional and oh-so real. (You gotta love it when your doc is absent-minded enough where she HAS to wear a pen around her neck, so she doesn't lose it! LOL!) (Also, it doesn't hurt that she has a REAL body that has wibbly bits just like the rest of us! But, I digress.)
She wrote out some prescriptions that I had run out of, and then saw my note about asking her about my pinky finger. The whole story came tumbling out, and she immediately said "Oh, you SO got the tendon! I'll just..... start..... * typing furiously* referring you..... So you said it was the PIP joint, going up to the DIP joint?"
I just looked rather blankly at her, at this point.

BUT YAY!!!!!!
this morning, I got a call from her office.
She hooked me up with a Hand Surgeon......
*Valley Girl moment...*
Like.... Oh. My gawd!!! Like... HOW AWESOME!!!

So that's exciting. I call and confirm the appointment on Monday, and then it's off to the Rocky for me! (In the Casting Department.... But whatever. As long as they fix it!)
I'm still not sure what I'll do with Liam. I might ask my younger sis to keep him for me. Who knows. (Or I just may resort to taking along the Nintendo DS for him to play)
I'll make sure to take pics though... Just for you!


Friday, 12 September 2008

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Been Gone So Long....

Ooooh..... Sorry everyone for not updating this more. I just realized that I haven't been writing as much. (Mostly because I'm 90% on the Mac most of the time, as opposed to being on the PC)
And boy oh boy..... Has it ever been BUSY here as of late!!!!!!
Michael started his football in earnest.... He had 1 exhibition game at the beginning of September, and has had 2 games since. (1 at McMahon Stadium during the U of C Dinos game and 1 at the Shriners fields in NW Calgary.) School is going well for him, and he's really liking his teacher.
Bridget - is liking grade 2, and I like her teacher. Other than that, she's been getting wiggly teeth (ewwww), and lost 1 on her second day of school. (Who knew that the school office would keep things like little plastic treasure boxes to put your teeth in? Lots better than the smushed up tissue I got when I was a kid in school!)
Natalie.... *sigh* Well, my "Latalie" is in morning Kindy, and on the first day, she came home crying. (Which didn't really make ME feel good at all....) So far, we are on Day 4 of Kindy, and the crying was just on the first day. We are working on trying not to get hurt feelings when someone accuses us of things we didn't do. We are also working on using our words to communicate our feelings. And we've gone back to having a daily nap (she goes out like a light, she's so tired!).
Liam.... He's lonely. Oh so lonely for his Latalie... He likes dropping her off at school, but gets very sad on the walk home. So far we've learned about taillights, headlights, bumpers and how cars have wheels.

And, I've come to the realization that I think I'm going to have to start up my dayhome again. The extra cash would be nice, and Liam is just so lonely. So I've been really praying about it, and asking the Lord for guidance and wisdom. I don't want to advertise... I've never advertised my dayhome. It would be great if the Lord would bring me the family that I'm supposed to work with.

Other than that, it's just life as usual around here. You know.....

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Congrats Jemaine!

Conchord forms new duo
Aug 19, 2008 7:33 PM

Flight of the Conchords funnyman Jemaine Clement has become part of another duo.

The comedian took a break from writing the second series of the Conchords' Emmy-nominated series to wed his long-term girlfriend and fellow performer Miranda Manasiadis. The pair tied the knot in a Los Angeles registry office before a small group of friends, including Conchords co-star Bret McKenzie.

Clement, 34, was described as one of Wellington's most eligible bachelors while Manasiadis also hails from the capital and works as an actress and theatre director.

The Conchords are now filming in New York.

Monday, 18 August 2008

Happy Monday!

Well.... happy Monday!
We were super busy today. We did all our grocery shopping which entailed me going to 4, yes, count 'em... four grocery stores. Oh, and did I mention that today was a record breaking hot day?? Oh yes.. it was very nice.... not! Today was
34 C (which is dang hot for Alberta!).
After getting all our grocery shopping done, put aw
ay, and the Library all done for another week, we went and got a slurpee.
Can I just say that whoever invented Slurpees should be given some sort of Nobel prize? For peace, or calming the savage beasts within?? Besides... a Mug Rootbeer Slurpee is quite possibly the yummiest thing ever.

Well, off to go bathe my kids and hopefully cool them down a bit before bed.

Friday, 15 August 2008

Sorry For The Silence....

Sorry, everyone. I honestly didn't mean to NOT blog for all these days... Life just kinda got away from me.

That was my hell day. I dropped the dog off at the groomers (which, by the way, I'm SO OVER Groomingtails!), went to Michaels to pick up some leather thread for my Mother In Law.... Aaaaaannnnndddd, I got sucked into the vortex that is Michaels. Again. (It seems to be my downfall!)
After I had purchased some crafts for my kids (Birdie wanted some Wonder Woman bracelets which are VERY hard to find! We found some wooden bracelets on sale and decided that she could paint them up herself as a sort of "Make Work" project to keep her entertained one afternoon.).

Taco picked up a little "Build Your Own Little Wooden Airplane" kit (hey - it was a BUCK!!!).
Nally picked up a little diary that you can lock. (And, having just seen "The Princess Diaries" - it was an unqualified success.)
Liam - he got some mini Frisbees with "Michkey Mouse Clubhouse" on it.

I got a bunch of Mary Engelbreit magnets! (One of my fave parts of Michaels is the little wire bins at the front of the store that hold all sorts of notebooks, magnets and cards. Can you tell???)

So after we got my MIL the waxed thread she needed for her leather project, we head out to the car, and my cell rings. I pick it up, and the conversation went like this:

Me: Oh, I'm so glad you called! I'm just leaving Michaels right now to come up to your place, and I got you some white waxed thread for leather - the one you were asking me for.
My MIL: White??? You got me WHITE waxed thread? For my leather pouch project?? Well, THAT won't match!!
Me: That was the only color they had. I tried calling you 6 times....
My MIL: Well, it's not right! I can't finish my project with WHITE thread! It won't match!
Me (getting a little frustrated): Well, what would you like me to do? They only had white.
My MIL, getting more emphatic: Well, I can't have it! You'll have to take it back!
Me, looking around while parked in the parking lot, all 4 kids buckled in their car seats and ready to go... : You want me to take it back?
My MIL: Yes! Don't they have a light tan or something?
Me: They do, but not the waxed thread like you specified that you originally wanted! In waxed thread, they only had white. In the artificial sinew, they have black, brown, tan,
My MIL, interupting: Go get me the tan.
Me, sighing with weariness already: Fine. I'll unbuckle the kids and go get you the tan stuff. We will be late getting to your place then.
My MIL, dismissively: Oh, that's alright. I'll see you when you get here.
End of cell transmission.
And I, of course, was EVER SO MATURE, and muttered some things under my breath about "picky, ungrateful mother in laws..." and "if I don't do a good enough job, you can just go do it yourself!" and assorted other things that were, in hind sight, a little mean spirited and nasty. But folks... Keep in mind. My MIL has a brain injury. She is frustrating on her best days. (And to be honest, I'm just glad that she loves my kids, and that her and my Hubby (her son) have had a chance to say everything they wanted and needed to say to each other. )

*slams head on computer desk*

Other than that, Wednesday was a day full of errands in the city that I really didn't want to do. I'm getting to the point where I actually don't LIKE Calgary any more... It's too big! We had a picnic at the Flying Saucer Park, we went shopping at Winners (bought the girls some cute Mary Jane shoes), went to Please Mum, and had a Strawberry Lemonade at Second Cup. All while waiting for the dog to be done at the groomers.

We got home at 4:45.... Just in time to get Taco ready to go to his football! *flashes you the double thumbs up rahter sarcastically*

Now I know full well why I would not cut it as a working mum. I simply can't deal with it!

Thursday... We vaccuummed, and just tried to get caught up on all that we had to do.
Today - hallelujah - it's Friday!!!
This weekend we have 2 birthdays to go to (so of COURSE I have to go buy the presents still!). It's going to be busier than I'd like.
And my insomnia has come back.... How I long to go Hollywood, and just use sleeping pills, but I'm too chicken. I already get weird-ass dreams (last night's dream was my best girlfriend Leese, asked if my Hubby would be her "babydaddy" as she wanted children. WEIRD!!!!) - I don't need some chemicals in there too!!!

Have a great Friday, all!

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Laugh For The Day

This tee shirt reminded me of the skit from Saturday Night Live....

Monday, 11 August 2008

For the Wee Geeks Among Us....

Get the geeky started young, is what I always say. If that's your parenting mantra as well, then this All Your Milk Are Belong To Us Onesie ($15) is for you.

You've got to be a supergeek to even get the allusion (here's the joke for the uninformed), and even more so to buy this and put it on your baby. Not sure if this is the geeky onesie to express yourself/your baby? Check out these ones, too!

But is it cruel to subject your child to your borderline-obsessive nerdiness?

And to that last question, the answer is HELLZ, NO!!!! (Isn't that what therapy is for??? :D)


Friday, 8 August 2008

Can I just Say....

that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE great guys like my Jim, the Hot Tub Guy, who not only fixes your stuff, but assures you that it isn't your fault, charges you a fiar price for fixing it AND teaches you how to take care of your hot tub?????
*blissful sigh*

I love my hot tub guy.......

And now my hot tub works again! Yay!!!!

Now, off to get ready for Rob & Sharon's Wedding!!!! Safeway, here I come!


Thursday, 7 August 2008

I'm Melting.... Again!

Well, it's HOT here.... again. A whopping 31 degrees today.... Which, on paper, doens't SEEM hot, but you factor in 1) no air conditioning and 2) I had the oven on today and it feels pretty hot in here. Plus, there's no breeze... At least not one I can catch....

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day....
We have the Dentist at 9 am. For all 6 of us. I'll let you know how THAT goes! LOL
The hot tub guy (or as I affectionately call him, "Jim, The Hot Tub Guy") coming over at 12-ish. I have to call him....
Our babysitter is coming over at 5, so that Hubby and I can go to a wedding (and CRAP!!! I forgot to get a gift!! SHIT!) in Calgary.

I've done a trial run of my Wedding Outfit, and all is good. I can't find my necklace that I was going to wear... Which is kinda bugging me, but oh well. That's the way the cookie crumbles, I guess. I have other necklaces to wear... Just they are black. Kind of looks like I'm heading off to a funeral.

I'll try and get someone to take a photo of Hubby and I (because we honestly haven't taken a nice pic of ourselves in a few years!).

I gotta go cool down.... I'm sweltering.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Kids are funny.
So yesterday, before the debacle that was grocery shopping, Michael was perusing my list (because I am a devoted list follower in grocery stores, otherwise I get all distracted by the pretty colors and shiny objects. But, I digress...)
As he was perusing my list, he stumbled upon something that he just didn't understand.

"Mom, how come you need to get sanity pads????"

I was trying my damnedest NOT to absolutely KILL myself laughing....

But I did text it to Hubby, who then shared it with all the guys he was away with. They all had a good laugh, and now you will too!!!

Have a good Sunday night!

Saturday, 2 August 2008

I have found the 9th Circle of Hell, and it's not crafts like I previously believed!

Well, I went to the grocery store this morning and did my shopping (with my posse of kids in tow, thankyouverymuch!).
Y'know, I'm not too impressed with the new no frills grocery store that replaced my Extra Foods here in the 'Toks.
I get that they are trying to compete with the Wal-Mart Supercenter that's being built right now. I get that. I get too, that they are "upping the ante" so to speak so they have a loyal customer base before Costco comes in and blows it all to hell. I get that. But honestly!!! You tell us that we have to bag our own groceries. I am honestly fine with that, and I actually prefer to pack my own stuff. Lord knows I have enough bins for it!
So if I'm supposed to do that.... Wouldn't it make SENSE to 1) Provide me with a cart that is specifically MADE for the bins you sell??? and 2) make the grocery tills conveyor belts not only WORK, but a little larger so that people can pack?????
So yeah. Bought my groceries, couldn't find the sour cream or eggs at all (WTF?), but the FIRST TIME I"ve ever seen Ichiban there *hurrah!*). But NO Pop Tarts????? At all!???? You gotta be kidding me..... And NO Electrosol tabs in the big containers? And no large containers of hot chocolate mix?????
And some of the prices were not cheaper at all!!! I feel a little gypped as a customer that's been a loyal Loblaw's shopper since I was 15!
I can guarantee you.... When Costco comes to the "Toks, you can bet your bippy bodka that I am SO shopping there!!! I"ll do all my large items there, and screw no frills.

Another thing that pissed me off royally was I KNEW that I was supposed to pack my own stuff. I knew that going in (hence the reason why I had my bins and bags with me! D-uh!). So what happens???? Well this young "chit" decides that, "Oh, she has 4 kids! She must need some help!!!" and started packing my groceries for me. I get that. But she was SHITTY at it!!!! I had 5 bins, an Ikea blue bag and 2 sobey's bags. More than enough for what I had purchased! And she was making noises about "Oh, it's not all going to fit!". In a pig's eye. I had to tell her to stop packing my stuff in cardboard boxes. I directed my children to pack all the cardboard stuff (ie cereal boxes, etc) in the Ikea bag. Easy, right??? Well, she couldn't follow it! I ended up repacking 3 of the bins. She was asking me where to put the frozen corn - I told her to put it with the meat, and she started like arguing with me!! It's my f*cking food!!! Who gives a sh!t! It makes sense to me.... Put the meats and the frozen stuff together - that way the meat stays cold. Right? Put the dairy all together. (You can fit 3 big jugs of milk in one bin, and still have room for the butter, and yogurt on the sides.) You put the produce in one bin. You put cans in another. Makes sense to me...... But apparently, I'm the only one who thinks that!

And when I was packing the bins in the back of my minivan, I said a few bad words that I had to repent for.

I'm sure that the 9th Circle of Hell is grocery stores where you have to pack all your food up with a limited space and 4 children and a disgruntled underpaid store employee.

I think I need a drink of wine.
(Oh, and I got my AF yesterday too, to add insult to injury!!)

Off to go eat and drink my troubles away....
1 more sleep until Hubby comes home. Thank the Lord.

Friday, 1 August 2008

Happy Long.

I don't know about you, but up here, it's a Long Weekend this weekend! Yahoo!!!

That being said - of COURSE Hubby is busy all weekend with a stag party! *grin*
So, I am all alone.... All by my lonesome with my "posse" of kids. I'm looking forward to the simpler weekend, but I'm going to be so lonely.... Oh so lonely.... :(

So that's my weekend. I need to go grocery shopping as well.... (We are down to no bread, no mac & cheese, last stick of butter, and last jug of milk. No fresh produce.... We need to go shopping.) I was thinking about going to my usual grocery store, but (insert whining here) that means I'd have to pack my own groceries. And with 4 kids? That's a disaster waiting to happen. (And their grocery lanes that they send the food down after they scan it are freakishly short! Like, WTF???)
So I think I might try something new... I think I'll do my produce shopping at our local Farmer's Market this afternoon, and get my staple food items from a combo of stores.
Orrrrr, I'll just go to the liquor store and drink my troubles away! LOL

Have a great Long weekend, all.

Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Well, did I tell you that Hubby brought down the "hammer" on our children's poor behavior?
YES, he did!!! (and hallelujah!! To them, he is not someone you can "tune out" like you can Mum!) (Remember in the Peanuts cartoons where the parents would be a muted trumpet??? That's what I feel like most days. Waaahhh, wah, wah, wahhhhh......)

But other than that, I can't believe that HALF of our summer vaycay is over!!! Where'd it go????
Part of me is excited for the next school year.... I'll have 2 kids in school full time, as well as one in Kindergarten in the mornings Monday- Friday. Swweeeett!! So I'll only have 1 at home with me full time.

That's really all that's fit to print. Later!

Monday, 28 July 2008

What a Weekend.

I think I need another weekend to recuperate from my weekend.

So Friday night. We did the whole "Annual Birthday Bash".... Much merriment was had, and our tradition of somebody almost shooting a beverage out of their nose was upheld (and no! It wasn't me this time!). Vonnika, Guy Ginborgness and Phart all came over (along with the Lovely Little Miss Katy), and Vonnika was declared the winner of Trivial Pursuit at 1:15 in the morning, because we all were getting a little goofy and punchy.
But honestly, we had a great time. We indulged WAAAAAAYYYYY too much with yummy food (heelllooo!!! Homemade guacamole??? It's not indulging - it's a law of some sort somewhere!).

So Saturday came awfully early. (Ugh) Hubby had to go to work for 10 am, and I spent the day trying to catch up on cleaning the hoopla from the night before.

Sunday..... We met my MIL, and my SIL, her hubby and their two boys for lunch at the Cheesecake Cafe. Y'know, I really wasn't impressed with the Cheesecake Cafe.... I've had a lot better food (and granted, lots worse). But it didn't make me want to go back, I can tell you that.
Maybe next time we'll try Moxie's or Red Robin's, or maybe Jack Astor's.

So tday is my Monday.
I've already done 2 loads of dishes in the dishwasher (how does THAT happen!), and I picked up the holds that I had at the Library.
I'm looking forward to a quiet week.
This weekend, Hubby is busy, so I'll be all by myself.... prolly wanting some adult conversation. (Maybe we'll go up and see my sister and her new babe!) Awwww, jingers!

Happy Monday, and pass the caffeine.....

Friday, 25 July 2008

It's Our Annual Birthday Bash!

I have a great group of friends. There's 5 of us that I think of as "The Gang", and we were all born within 8 months of each other in 1977. And two of us have birthdays on the 26th and 27th of this month (no not me! But close!), so that gives us a great excuse to get together, share a meal and laugh until our sides ache.
It's always such a great time.
The 5 of us (and now our offspring) laugh and play games like this:

And we end up laughing so hard that either a beverage comes out a nose (that was me, last time), or someone threatens to pee their pants!
Aaaahhhh..... Good times....
*smiling just remembering the laughter*

So, we are gearing up for that tonight. Which, of course, means that I need to clean the house! Aaaahhh!!!! I need to vacuum, mop, clean the kitchen, I *think* I'll make some cupcakes, and I have food to prepare (marinating chicken, prepping potatoes, slicing watermelon). Not to mention making Hubby his lunch and taking it to him.
I can tell it's going to be an interesting day!!!
Have a great Friday everyone! (I know I will after all this work is done!)

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

The Shoe Fairy!

I need a shoe fairy. (Except I'd be happy with shoes that don't make me hop, mop, or are polka dotted flip flops.) I'd be happy with some nice shoes that don't hurt my poor feet!!!
Or some Dr Martens! (whoa! 90's flashback!!!!) *evil grin*
Did I tell you that I *thought* about buying some Mary Jane Dr Martens when I was in Spokane in February? Yep, I did. Then I saw the price, and I quickly thought, "That's HALF my grocery budget! Eeeps!" and put them back on the shelf. They were amazingly cool though.

I love the Number 4!

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Funniest. Faux. Bollywood. Video. Ever!!!

This is Devendra Banhart featuring his girlfriend, Natalie Portman, in the song, "Carmensita". Please read the hilarious "sub-titles"! ROFL!!!!
Did you realize that 1 week ago today, I cut my finger? *sigh*

Well, today is looking to be not quite as hot as yesterday, thank the Lord. Yesterday, we hit a high of 31 Celsius here in Okotoks, which is DANG HOT for Southern Alberta! And now, as I sit writing this, a nice cool breeze is winding it's way thru my house. Aaaaah..... bliss.
So today should be about 21 Celsius, which is going to be heavenly. Last night, it was so hot in our house, I couldn't fall asleep until after 2! And then Hubby and I fought over the flat sheet (which he says he didn't steal, but WHATEVER!!! He is SO a flat sheet thief!), and it was just so incredibly hot all night. Ugh. I hate nights like that.

Well, that's all for me.... Gotta go get started on my list of things to do!

Monday, 21 July 2008

Today's the day!

I took out the stitches today! Awwww, yeah! (Taking out the stitches is my favorite part of having stitches)
My finger is still a little "touchy" - just somewhat painful, but the seam is holding great, and it looks like it will continue to hold. My finger is a bit painful just towards the bottom of it - I think just from all the blood that bled into my finger - it's all just pooled in the base of my finger.
I'm sure more Arnica will do the trick... eventually!
Happy Monday! Supposedly, we are supposed to hit 31 today. I have a feeling we'll spend some time at the river, splashing in the water and having fun!

Sunday, 20 July 2008

So this is my finger.... And the ensuing drama.

So, my finger is actually healing up REALLY well.. The doc at the Urgent Care was super impressed with the condition of the seam, and told me that I can take out the stitches tomorrow. (Yay!)
But the bad news is - I just started to be able to bend one of the joints yesterday for the first time. Do you realize how many owwies you get when you can't bend your pinky? Yeah.... I didn't know either. The answer - you get alot. You jam it on everything from your car ignition, to the railing as you walk down the stairs in the morning. (Not to mention on corners, in your purse, and my personal fave - jamming it on your kids seat belt buckles as you're putting them in their car seats!)
I went back to the Urgent Care yesterday morning, as I was a little concerned about me not being able to bend my finger properly. I still can't move the top joint, closest to my nail, but I can move the mid joint.... Hallelujah! I hope that I'll be able to "rehab" it somehow... Without having to pay for stupid physio! :D

So that's my latest "drama". I have acquired a new nickname courtesy of a guy I call Britney (so I guess it was time for payback, really....). It's just so embarrassing to have done this with a BUTTER KNIFE! Argh!


Tuesday, 15 July 2008

I am such a dunce.....

Hi all.
Well, I am officially accident prone now.
This morning, as we were eating breakfast (getting ready for VBS - yay!), my kids were complaining that they wanted juice. I totally understood that, but I didn't have any juice defrosted. So I did what every other stay-at-home mum does.
You haul a can of frozen concentrate out of the freezer, run it under some hot water, and Bob's your uncle. Right? Except, mine didn't defrost enough to get out of the can.
I picked out a butter knife, and started to basically STAB the offending (read: still FROZEN) juice concentrate (I've done it before, and it works).
Well, I ended up CUTTING myself on the freaking butter knife!!! (I know.... I'm "special", huh?)

I knew it was bad, and it was bleeding like crazy, so I called up Hubby to ask him his opinion. (I ended up almost throwing up while I was on the phone with him, it started to hurt so bad! Poor guy!)
So Hubby drove me to the Okotoks Wellness & Urgent Care Center, dropped me off, and drove the older kids to their VBS.
I got to see a Triage Nurse, and then the doctor came in, and informed me that I needed stitches.
All in all, I got 2 stitches, some injections of lidocaine, and a Tetanus shot (lucky me).
I'll add photos later!

What a day......

Monday, 14 July 2008

It is, quite possibly, one of my favorite weeks of the year.

That's right, folks!!!!


My kids are excited to go, I'm excited for them to go, and it gives me a good "feel" as to what the next school year is going to be like. I'm going to have 2 kids in school full time, and 1 going in morning Kindergarten. Yahooooo!!!! *Cindy cheers while doing a Happy Chair Dance*

So today was Day 1 of VBS. Poor Liam! He was just sort of not understanding what was going on. "Mummy, where Lally? Where Michael? Where Bribrit?"
But it was nice..... Just to have 1 kid with me while my "bigs" were in VBS.... It made me look like less of a freak - normally, people look at me, and hey.... I'm 31, and yes, I have 4 kids. (Kid overload! Whoa!) Then, I get the large family comments, and the inevitable "But you're done having kids now, right???" questions....
With just 1, I skip all of that altogether. It's kinda weird in a way! I get the sense that people think that Liam is my first child, not my fourth. (Which, hey.... Could happen, but it isn't the case with me. When I hit 30, my ovaries and fallopian tubes were OUT OF ORDER because I didn't want to be in my 30's and pregnant)

So kind of surreal, but really nice. It's nice to get the one-on-one time with my youngest.
But, it's time to go clean up, and get my shizz in order for tonight.

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Lazy Sundays.

I'm just going to put it out there in cyberspace land......
I love the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.

I also love being in bed. That being said, I've crept back INTO bed about 5 times already today (and it's only 3 in the afternoon!). I think I'm trying to catch up on all that sleep I missed out on, but I keep on reading interesting books instead! LOL

Hubby took our youngest to go see Wall-E at our local movie theatre today, since he slept thru when we took the older 3. I'm sure he'll come home full of movie quotes and doing the noises that Wall-E makes. (So cute!)

Well, I just looked at my watch, and oh look! It's time for my Horizontal Therapy again!
"Sorry kids! I can't get you a snack! Mummy needs to have a lay down!" *skips merrily off to bed*
Have a great, lazy Sunday!

Friday, 11 July 2008

Happy Fricking Friday....

I am so bloody tired.
Y'know, when you get used to sleeping thru the ni
ght every night - when your kids start waking up again, it really drains you! I honestly don't know how I did the whole getting up every night thing when I had little kids. (Maybe that's where my extra 50 pounds came from.... Hmmmmm)

But, it's a Friday. Hallelujah. It's Friday.

I saw the funniest thing (I so wish I had
my camera recording it, so I could show it here)..... Hubby was skipping through the kitchen with excitement today. "Why?" you ask.... Well! Good question!!!!
He got some new tires delivered for his car this morning, right before he went to work. So I know what he's doing tonight! *grin*

I spent all last night on the "pe-cuter" (as my 2 year old calls it), looking at vintage food art. You know... The old Cadbury and food ads that they had
in the 1900's.... The cute ones like this:

I personally love that kind of art, and when I saw some at Hubby's work yesterday all I could think was "Cool decorations for my kitchen and house!!!"
And, of course, I instantly thought "Perfect housewarming gifts!". (My mom is building a new house, and I found some great ones for her)

I'll have to email them to Hubby to see what we can do. I found some amazing travel posters from the 40's of London, Manhattan, New York and Edinburgh that I would love to put up. We'll see.....

Well, off to start my day! (I feel the need for some caffeine and sugar - preferably together!)

John Mayer - acoustic cover of Tom Petty's "Free Fallin'"

Thursday, 10 July 2008

What a chilly day!

WOW. So for those of you that understand the Fahrenheit system better, let me translate for you.

51 F.

THAT'S IT!!!! 51! I am freezing, and I'm in yoga pants, and a tee shirt! I'm seriously thinking about putting on jeans and a sweater! Brrrr!

Other than that, nothing's really going on today. We painted river rocks yesterday (yes, I was THAT desperate! LOL) - I'll try to get some photos up of them. I was really pleased with my children's imaginations. We all had fun, and it was washable paint. Hallelujah! *grin*

Hubby is going out for dinner with his friend tonight.... I like to call it his "Date Night" in my head. (I know that he would just shake his head at that last comment, but ha ha ha!! It's MY blog, and I can say what I want! *sticks tongue out*) I never mind him going out for dinner with his friend.... Actually, come to think of it, I rarely deny him the opportunity for him to go out and have fun. (Actually, I rarely tell him "no", for that matter!) I like to think of it as if I allow him the "freedom" to go out, then he appreciates it/me all the more. Right??? *grin*
Plus, I really enjoy being home by myself. Odd, I know, but maybe that's MY "freedom".... I can read a book, and scarf down popcorn by myself. (I love nights like that!) And, I don't know about you - but I cannot get into ANY new shows this summer!
Reality shows=boring.
Sad, but for me, oh so true.

Other than that, the "natives" (read: my offspring) are getting restless, and I'm sort of running out of things to do with them to keep them from NOT fighting or bickering. (Somehow, the recycling depot just doesn't hold the same appeal for my almost 9 year old that it does for my almost 3 year old. Crazy, hey???)

We got the Mac back from WestWorld Computers!! Yippee! (I'm so glad - my iPod was in serious need of some new material to play!) So I am re-acquainting myself with Safari and iTunes, to see what I missed.

With that being said, I better get a move on if I'm to do any more recycling this afternoon..... (We are doing pop bottles this time) Supposedly we're getting rain this afternoon. *shrug*


Ferragamo Tie....

When I hear Salvatore Ferragamo, I generally think "shoes I can't afford," not "geeky ties," but it seems that the renowned Italian design house is now in the business of making my boyfriend happy with this legit tie.

Run-of-the-mill from afar, but when you look close, the subversion begins! Tiny CDs and headphones are printed on fine blue silk.

Keeping your man true to his geeky roots in a cubicle will run you quite a bit though ($160), and you may have to stick with one of these geeky work staples! How awesome is THIS?????

Oh, Excuse me! My geek is showing!

Talk Nerdy to Me, Baby

You might know how I feel about message tees, but in this case, though I wouldn't wear it, I am wearing a big ol' grin. Who among us geeks and geek lovers hasn't gone weak at the knees at the sound of your crush talking tech specs, operating systems, and onboard RAM?

It's hot, put simply. Its hotness and its very aphrodisiac status validates the existence of this Talk Nerdy To Me T-shirt.

Sadly, Delia's says the shirt is all sold out, but let it be an inspiration to you: Go home to the hot geek in your life and whisper this in his ear. Single? Hightail it to the Apple store. You guys will be wearing these in no time.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Tuesday, Tuesday....

Well, today's been a good day thus far.
-taken out the garbage
-gathered up the recycling
-taken the aforementioned recycling to the recycling depot
-drove the empty pop bottles by the bottle depot - and they were too busy, so we just drove on by
-went to our local Library
-signed my older 3 up for the Reading Race *cheers erupt from Cindy*
-came home, unloaded empty recycling bins, Library books and children (after chasing Liam around the garage for a few minutes)
-made Hubby his lunch, set it on the table
-made the children their lunches (6 peanut butter buns later....)
-cleaned Liam up and took him upstairs to his nap (blessed silence!)
-drove Hubby's lunch to him (I hope he likes it!)
-tidied up, took out garbage
-broke up arguments, and judged who's horse drawing looked better (I don't get it either....)

and now I'm blogging!! Wheeeee!

The UPS guy came at 4 pm yesterday - and let me just add in that he was possibly the sweetest UPS guy I've ever had the opportunity to meet! What a nice guy.
I'm still waiting on my toe ring though.... (I ordered one out of guilt, but that's a different post, for a different day).

Have a great afternoon! I"m off to go have something to eat!

Monday, 7 July 2008

So they are sending me for x-rays on my feetsies.... Even the doc was a little baffled.... "Well, you've got pain like you've got a stress fracture, which is really not a big deal.... But you've got swelling like tendonitis.... Hmmmm..." I prolly should have told him that I generally have cankles, hey? :)
But I've been putting off the x-rays because hellloooo.... It even SAYS right on the requistition form for the x-rays "Please, do not bring minor children to your appointment". Like I have an au pair or something to take them. *Sheesh!* I figured that I'll get my x-rays done when my older kids are in VBS... That way I only have 1 kid to control. Much easier.

Other than that, I am just spending my day waiting on the UPS guy.

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Oh, My Aching Feet.....

So...... I'm petrified.

These are my feetsies.... after my last pedi (notice the lovely purple polish that my youngest daughter picked out?). You can see that they are relatively white (which is good, seeing as I'm a white Canadian), and that my polish is dee-lightful.
What you can't see is that my feet hurt so much, so consistently, that I'm forced to limp quite frequently - both around the house and in public. My children cannot sit with me on the couch for fear that they will bump my feet and bring me to tears with the pain. I have the HARDEST time finding shoes that simply just FIT, let alone look good..... I've even outgrown the wide width shoes.

So, with that all in mind, my wonderful hubby caught me limping the other day (I try not to let him see me), and instantly sat me down and TOLD ME that I was going to call the podiatrist FIRST THING on Monday morning.
So I did. I was okay with it - because honestly - in the Calgary region, you CANNOT get in to see a specialist really quickly, so I thought it would take me ages to get in to see the Doc.
They could have gotten me an appointment on Wednesday (but it was too close to when my 2 older kids get out of school), so I opted for the Friday afternoon appointment.

I am so nervous, I am ready to puke! What if???? What if I have to have surgery? (Oh no! How will we afford it??) Who will help me if I have to have surgery?
What if I have to have those gawd awful orthotics that are hideous and don't allow me to wear cute shoes?
What if, what if????
Hubby just doesn't understand my anxiety about this.... He's a guy. He doesn't have to have purty toes. (Nobody looks at guys toes anyways!)

Just wanted to share......

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Love. It.

Even the Guy Who Plays a PC Is a Mac

I've outed John Hodgman before for being an iPhone user (scandal), and I have heard rumblings that he is not, in fact, a PC user. Now I've got it straight from the horse's mouth!

He recently came clean and admitted his devotion to Apple:

"I play a PC only on television. I've used Macs since 1984. When I was a kid, I talked my dad into getting the very first Mac and I've been loyal to the brand ever since."

Yep, I think he's my favorite tech star!

What a delicious sense of irony!!! *grin*