Saturday 9 April 2011

Is Lent Over Yet?

15 days to go before Lent is over.
What a weird time this has been... One of feeling very 'removed' and 'out of touch' with some people.
I must admit, I don't miss some people's Facebook statuses at all.
But other people - like my good friend Alysa and her sister Joy - I miss talking with them.
I was actually texting with Alysa a week or so ago, just telling her about how I think I'm really gonna get a tatt now, and she said something profoundly wise.

"So, it's an outward manifestation of an inner change. Cool. That's deep."

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Maybe this Lenten season was one not unlike when a farmer sows seed in a field - the farmer plants the seeds, and then has to wait for them to germinate and grow.
Maybe this Lenten season has been one of germination in my life. Where God plants new seed in my life/heart/soul, and I get to see it germinate over the next bit of time.
Self acceptance and setting of boundaries is always a good thing. :)

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