Friday 15 April 2011

Trying Not To Stress Out

So there's a remote chance that Hubby will be transferred for work. Very remote. Like 5% chance. (As far as I know) He told me that he would update me when it got to 25%.

I'm not one who embraces change. (Shocking, I know.) It takes me a good 3 years to settle in. Perfect example? We moved from Calgary to Okotoks (which is 11 minutes SOUTH of our old house in Calgary) 3 1/2 years ago. I am JUST feeling like I'm settling in. No word of a lie.

The funny thing is - the place where Hubby would be transferred to is in England. Right around London, to be precise.
Now, we have lived in the UK before, and I'm pretty confident that I can say that it was a sheer, unmitigated FAIL. I ended up with depression and suicidal thoughts, and Hubby ended up with walking pneumonia.
What a great souvenir.
"I lived in England and all I got was walking pneumonia."
Put THAT on a tee shirt, Snorg Tees! I dare you!

Anyways, I digress...
So part of me is excited. I have missed England. I miss waking up to the rain, and I miss the tea (because NOBODY makes tea quite like the Brits). I miss the chocolate. I miss the feeling that everywhere you go is steeped in history. Canada does NOT have history until you get closer to Ontario and Quebec and the Maritime provinces. Alberta. We have buffalo, wealthy native tribes and lots and lots of rocks. Big ones. Shaped like mountains.
I do not miss other things about England. Like the fact that they get zero sunlight. Ever. I swear. They're a nation of vampires or zombies or something. It's indicative that they have to include things like, "There will be a chance of sunny spells later on today in the forecast...". Where we live right now, sun is assumed. Or snow. But you get my point.
I also don't miss the tv programs in England for the most part. There were some stellar ones like, "Rex The Runt" and "Goodness Gracious Me!", and even Coronation Street and EastEnders to a certain degree. I've gotten very ... particular/choosy in what I watch on telly these days, and to be honest, I'm not watching a whole lot. I did watch 2 episodes of "America's Next Top Model" yesterday, and I did watch some "Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson" on YouTube today.

But then that gets me to thinking... Do you really watch tv when you can just stream it over the internet? Are you really THAT far away that you cannot access it via the Intertubes?

The only other thing I would miss is all of our friends that we have here in Okotoks. You know that feeling of running into people you know at the grocery store? I would miss that.

I think our one consolation would be the fact that we wouldn't be transferred alone. Hubby's boss would go as well, and we are quite close with Hubby's boss, his girlfriend and his kids. Like, we would probably purposely move close to them just for a support system. The girlfriend and I get along famously well, which is wonderful. I think she's delightful.

And then I have a girlfriend in England who I went to school with in Toronto who I haven't seen in a good 8 years.
So we wouldn't be ALL alone, but we would need to kind of jump in with both feet to make it our home. (I'd have to join something just to make friends)

So yeah. Just trying not to stress out over the POSSIBILITY of something happening. Maybe is God trying to shake me out of the trap of being hostile to change? I don't know.

And I am missing Facebook more than I thought I would. It seems to come and go.... I won't miss it for ages, and then (like today) I will miss it like mad. :( Oh well... Nine more days and it's alllllll over.

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