Tuesday 29 March 2011

Almost At The Halfway Point

Wow. What a wild ride it's been this last week or so.

Hubby's been on an IV antibiotic since Thursday morning, and has been at a hospital 4 times since Friday. I'm so ready for him to get better.

It seems that our oldest son has been having some issues and it's all come to a head at the same time. Talk about stress.

I drove my girls to Pioneer Girls tonight, and I literally had to force myself to drive home. I feel so stressed out that I was starting to cry in the car. I'd love to just drive, drive, drive and get away from all the stress. Chase the sun... Escape to somewhere where the sun shines all day and it's warm and there's green things rather than snow and dead brown-ness.

This Lenten season has NOT been shaping up to be what I thought it would be. I thought it would be a season of renewal, change, growth. Instead so far, it's been a season of breaking and complete paradigm shifts in my thinking and belief systems. (Hello.... Me. Trying to track down a tattoo artist so I can get a tatt. Talk about weird.)

Well, 21 days of Lent down. 25 to go.

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