Sunday 20 March 2011

Delicious Irony....

So. Remember me telling you about going to Pioneer Girls and that sleepover? Remember me telling you about the "inner beauty" speech and the thought of "hmmmm. I should go get that tattoo I've been thinking about for 18 months"?
Well. I was in the shower thinking and bam.

I had made up my mind.

If a person doesn't agree with my choices now, there's no way in hell that getting a tattoo is going to change that for the better.

Like, my mother is ALWAYS going to have that little disapproving tone in her voice no matter what I do.

So, I might as well stop being so bloody afraid of other people and be true to myself.

I emailed my tatt artist, asking for a specific day. (Which is a good 2 months in the future, so hopefully *fingers crossed* she's not too booked up yet. )
I asked Hubby to take the day off work so he can come with me.

Eeeee! I can't believe this is getting into motion!

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