Sunday 13 July 2008

Lazy Sundays.

I'm just going to put it out there in cyberspace land......
I love the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer.

I also love being in bed. That being said, I've crept back INTO bed about 5 times already today (and it's only 3 in the afternoon!). I think I'm trying to catch up on all that sleep I missed out on, but I keep on reading interesting books instead! LOL

Hubby took our youngest to go see Wall-E at our local movie theatre today, since he slept thru when we took the older 3. I'm sure he'll come home full of movie quotes and doing the noises that Wall-E makes. (So cute!)

Well, I just looked at my watch, and oh look! It's time for my Horizontal Therapy again!
"Sorry kids! I can't get you a snack! Mummy needs to have a lay down!" *skips merrily off to bed*
Have a great, lazy Sunday!

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