Wednesday 30 July 2008

Well, did I tell you that Hubby brought down the "hammer" on our children's poor behavior?
YES, he did!!! (and hallelujah!! To them, he is not someone you can "tune out" like you can Mum!) (Remember in the Peanuts cartoons where the parents would be a muted trumpet??? That's what I feel like most days. Waaahhh, wah, wah, wahhhhh......)

But other than that, I can't believe that HALF of our summer vaycay is over!!! Where'd it go????
Part of me is excited for the next school year.... I'll have 2 kids in school full time, as well as one in Kindergarten in the mornings Monday- Friday. Swweeeett!! So I'll only have 1 at home with me full time.

That's really all that's fit to print. Later!

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